UCI-OIT PMC Meeting - 04-24-2015

UCI-OIT PMC Meeting - 04-24-2015

Attending: Kian Colestock,  Diane Dunn, Ying Kussman, Briandy Walden, Jeff Martin (via ReadyTalk), Steve Noh, Paul Sheirich, Eric Puchalski, Eric Taggart


Location: 126 PSQ (OIT Modulars)

ReadyTalk: 1-866-740-1260 Access Code: 8240536


PMC 2014-2015 Project Plan

  1. Project Approval Framework Workstream - OIT Project Life Cycle Approval Framework and PMC - ServiceNow Project Approval Workflow
    1. Demo ServiceNow Project Request Intake Form and Project Approval Workflow (Eric P)
    2. Discussion about Resource Planning with PM/SN
  2. Tools and Resources Workstream
    1. Need to decide where should be primary resting place for PM Framework documents and other PMC artifacts
  3. Consultative Project Support Workstream
    1. Status and discussion re: OIT Project Manager recruitment
      1. Floating PM for projects in need
      2. OIT's also considering a floating Business Analyst position
      3. QA's also being built-out
      4. These positions will benefit from more comprehensive tracking of projects in SN
      5. Kian: Looking for a hybrid PM and Business Systems Analyst, person who can be injected into various essential projects that are in need of more organizational/analytical support
    2. Any small/medium OIT projects that could use help/mentorship from a PMC member? (Kian)
  4. Next Meeting
    1. Friday May 15 1:00pm MSTB 232
    2. ...

Action Items:

  • Invite UCI's ServiceNow rep to meet with us to discuss Portfolio and Project aspects and best practices for UCI's needs (Eric P)
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Future Agenda Items:

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Parking Lot Topics:

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