KFS Campus Role Qualifier Descriptions for KSAMS
Below is a list of the most common KFS Campus Roles that can be assigned in KSAMS, along with detailed descriptions of their corresponding qualifiers. KFS Role Names are followed by their role ID# in parentheses e.g. Organization Reviewer (7) and their qualifiers. Values that you can enter are in bold.
Items with a * indicate a required field in KSAMS, and items with a are recommended settings. The red arrows are only used in this Guide and you will not see them in KSAMS.
KFS System User (54)
This is a required role for anyone whom will be performing approval or look-up actions in KFS. This role allows for document searches, ability to ad-hoc route for approval, and the ability to view or create some basic financial documents.
The Basic Financial System User is a role that must be assigned to each user before they can perform tasks in KFS (except creation of Disbursement Vouchers or Requisitions, which are already available to all active employees).
Please note that if the user will be processing C&G transactions, see the Basic Financial User C & G (10035) role, which is covered later in this Guide.
Recommended: Add the role with no Qualifiers (leave Namespace & Chart & Org blank)
Under most circumstances, there are no required Qualifiers for this role because the Chart Code and Organization Code is determined based on the Grantee's Organization in KSAMS. (For Employees, this may be derived from their primary appointment Funding in UCPath.) Unless the employee is split-funded or may assigned as a temp, it is generally recommended to leave all Qualifiers blank for adding the 'User' role.
With Qualifiers (Relevant for Campus Temps Only)
If the user is a Campus Temp it is important for the DSA of the organization where the Temp will be working to setup Role 54 with the correct Chart Code (IR or MC) and Org Code. By setting this up in KSAMS, whenever this user initiates certain document types it will automatically pre-populate the correct Org Code, and the document will route to the correct organization and, in the case of a requisition, the correct Content Reviewers. If this is not setup, then the document will route to the wrong organization.
Alternatively if this is not setup by the DSA, then any Temp whom creates a Requisition (REQS) in KFS must remember to manually change the Chart/Org in the Document Overview tab (under the Financial Document Detail heading) each time they initiate a REQS.
Example: If a Campus Temp (who by default is assigned to CTES - org 7008) comes to work for Purchasing in org 8001 and they need to be able to initiate requisitions, then the DSA should set up the user with Role 54 like so.
* Namespace Code
This is a required field only if you manually set one of the qualifiers like Namespace, Chart, or Organization. If you manually set 1 of these qualifiers, then you must set all 3; otherwise, it will result in an error.
Each module of KFS exists in its own namespace. It's recommended you just add one User role using KFS-SYS Namespace to change the Org overall. You can use individual modules if someone is split-funded and doing different tasks for different departments (rare). You must complete a separate line for each Namespace Code, otherwise.
- KFS-AR (Accounts Receivable)
- KFS-BC (Budget Construction)
- KFS-COA (Chart of Accounts)
- KFS-FP (Financial Processing)
- KFS-GL (General Ledger)
- KFS-LD (Labor Distribution)
- KFS-PDP (Pre-Disbursement Processor)
- KFS-PURAP (Purchasing & Accounts Payable)
- KFS-SYS (System)
- KFS-TEM (Travel & Event)
- KFS-VND (Vendor)
* Chart Code
This is a required field only if inputting anything in the Namespace field Qualifier. (Otherwise you would leave it blank)
From the pulldown menu, select IR for Campus, MC for Medical Center
* Organization Code
This is a required field only if inputting anything in the Namespace field Qualifier. (Otherwise you would leave it blank)
Enter your new KFS organization number. A full list of organization codes can be found on the KFS Decision Support tab (on ZotPortal > Finances/KFS page). This is under the report titled Organizational Hierarchy. For your convenience, the report link can be found by clicking here.
Organization Level | Organization Description | Organization Number |
Basic Financial User C & G (10035)
This is a required role.
This is a Basic Financial System User account, with similar permissions and responsibilities as the Basic System Financial User Role 54.
The difference in this role vs. User (54) is that this role is authorized to to process Contract & Grant transactions (legacy system TOEB transactions), since their training may be reviewed. You do not need to be a member of Role 54 if you are a member of this role.
It is a required role for C&G, as they would like to ensure you have taken Contracts & Grants training (UCLC).
There are no Qualifiers for this role.
Organization Reviewer (7)
This is a required role, and it is hierarchical. It can be set up at the School/Division Level, or on individual departments (depending on how many reviewers you would like to see).
This role approves KFS Maintenance Documents ONLY in KFS for a specific organization, which means generally a finance or organization manager may want to review for changes involving the Organization structure or Account document information.
Document Type Name
- For approval of all maintenance documents, use the dropdown in Document Type Name field to select the option for all KFS documents (default).
- Only COA Chart Complex Maintenance Document (Parent) maintenance-related docs route to an Organization Reviewer (transaction documents do not route to this role):
- ACCT Account
- SACC Sub Account
- OBJT Object Code
- ORGN Organization
* Chart Code
This is a required field.
From the pulldown menu, select IR for Campus, MC for Medical Center
* Organization Code
This is a required field.
Enter your new KFS organization number. A full list of organization codes can be found on the KFS Decision Support tab (on ZotPortal > Finances/KFS page). This is under the report titled Organizational Hierarchy. For your convenience, the report link can be found by clicking here.
Organization Level | Organization Description | Organization Number |
Hierarchical Example: If you have an Approver at the school level, 9XXX, this reviewer will receive all documents submitted using accounts/Orgs using the 9XXX Org entered, plus will be required to approve each document for lower org levels that roll up to the 9XXX Org as well. Unless the goal is to require two Organization Reviewers on a single document, it's recommended to set up reviewers either at the higher level Orgs, or at the department/lower level Orgs, but not both.
Setting up Multiple Approvers
- If you want to set up a "group" of approvers, so that the document will route to more than one person, but the first approver who takes action on a document will move the document forward in the workflow, then ensure that the members you set up in KSAMS have exactly the same Qualifiers. This means that multiple people set up with the exact same Chart Code, Organization Code, and Document Type Name in KSAMS will be "grouped" together in a sense. Documents will route to all of them at once, but the first person to take action, clears the document from everyone else's action list at that node/level.
- If you assign two people to the Organization Reviewer role with different qualifiers (like different Orgs), then every Organization/Accounting Reviewer has to approve each document (meaning two approvals may be needed in order to finalize).
Chart of Accounts Maintenance User (10578)
This is a required role, and is hierarchical.
The Chart of Accounts Maintenance User role allows the user to edit, create, and maintain Chart of Account tables/documents in KFS (for their assigned Organizations), This is for a core group of users that are trained and whom have the necessary knowledge in basic accounting structure and authority to make changes on behalf of an Organization.
If you are a Fiscal Officer in KFS, you automatically have the ability to maintain sub-accounts, sub-object codes, project codes, and account delegates. However, due to Fiscal Officer changes, if you are assigned as a centralized change/access point to review account setup in your Org, it is recommended that request the DSA to be a Chart of Accounts Maintenance User. See this chart describing the level of access different users have.
- COA Chart of Account Complex Maintenance Document (Parent) maintenance-related docs are editable to this role (which doesn't affect routing). These include documents for the Account & Account Global, Sub Account, Sub Object Code & Sub Object Code Global, Organization, Project Code, Account Delegate & Account Delegate Global.
* Chart Code
This is a required field. From the pulldown menu, select IR for Campus, MC for Medical Center
* Organization Code
This is a required field. It can be set up at the School/Division Level, or on individual departments, however it should be set up only for the highest level organization code that the COA Maintenance User will be managing.
Enter your new KFS organization number. If you have a COA Maintenance User set up at the school level, 9XXX, this user can access all COA attribute for accounts/Orgs using the 9XXX Org entered, plus access to each lower org levels that roll up to the 9XXX Org.
A full list of organization codes can be found on the KFS Decision Support tab (on ZotPortal > Finances/KFS page). This is under the report titled Organizational Hierarchy. For your convenience, the report link can be found by clicking here.
Organization Level | Organization Description | Organization Number |
Content Reviewer (24)
This is an optional role related to the Requisition (REQS) document in Purchasing only. It is not hierarchical.
Requisition routing is based on the document initiator's organizational membership using their UCPath/Payroll primary funded department. (This is KFS Org of the primary account their appointment is derived from, in UCPath.) The content reviewer, an optional role, may be populated for an organization if the organization requisitions need to be reviewed (and possibly edited) before they reach the Fiscal Officer for approval. Requisitions are unique in that they can be submitted without Accounting Lines, if the department has a Content Reviewer set up. The Content Reviewer would then be tasked with entering/completing the REQS accounting information. REQS initiators may change the organization on the requisition to direct the REQS to the proper Content Reviewer within the workflow (useful for split-departments or if the employee is in Temp Services).
If an organization populates this role, the Content Reviewer for the organization must review all requisitions (REQS) submitted from anyone belonging to that Organization. Your organization may elect not to populate this role, which would require initiators to complete all accounting lines on a Requisition, and the REQS would then route to Fiscal Officer(s) of any accounts used.
Multiple Content Reviewers: If your Org populates multiple people with the exact same qualifiers (same Chart/Org), all REQS in that Organization will route to all of the Content Reviewers at once, and the first one to approve it will advance the document forward in workflow.
* Chart Code
This is a required field. From the pulldown menu, select IR for Campus, MC for Medical Center
* Organization Code
This is a required field. Enter the KFS Organization Code (4 digits) you wish to populate Content Reviewers for. Because this is not a hierarchical role, you'll have to create separate requests for each Organization Code within your unit. A full list of organization codes can be found on the KFS Decision Support tab (on ZotPortal > Finances/KFS page). This is under the report titled Organizational Hierarchy. For your convenience, the report link can be found by clicking here.
Accounting Reviewer (28)
This is a required role, and it is hierarchical.
This role approves select Transactional Documents after the Fiscal Officer. (This should be used by departments to also satisfy any UCI/UCOP policies where "department head" is a required approver, as well as any Organization Manager approvals)
Document Type Name
Doc Types are required to be entered for this role. This should be used to populate Department Head, organization approvals, or a secondary approval (higher-than Fiscal Officer) for all documents that require it for policy. (More information about document types can be found here). Right now, the Accounting Reviewer is restricted to select document types.
- DV Disbursement Voucher
- TT TEM Transactional Documents (Parent- encompasses all of the below)
- TA Travel Authorization
- TR Travel Reimbursement
- ENT Entertainment Reimbursement
- RELO Moving and Relocation Reimbursement
- GEC General Error Correction
DV & TT & GEC document types have an APPROVE workflow stop for the the Accounting Reviewer role. You must complete a separate line for each Document Type Name or Organization Code, if you would like to populate each one for the same person.
* Chart Code
This is a required field. From the pull-down menu, select IR for Campus, MC for Medical Center
* Organization Code
This is a required field.
Enter your new KFS organization number. You may have Accounting Reviewers set up at one or more Org levels. A full list of organization codes can be found on the KFS Decision Support tab (on ZotPortal > Finances/KFS page). This is under the report titled Organizational Hierarchy. For your convenience, the report link can be found by clicking here.
Organization Level | Organization Description | Organization Number |
Hierarchical Example: If you have an Approver at the school level, 9XXX, this reviewer will receive all documents submitted using accounts/Orgs using the 9XXX Org entered, plus will be required to approve each document for lower org levels that roll up to the 9XXX Org as well.
If the goal is to require two Accounting Reviewer approvals on a single document, it's recommended to set up reviewers either at the higher level Orgs and at the department/lower level Orgs.
If you only want one Accounting Level approver, either set up the reviewer at the highest level, or on each individual department/lower level Org, but not both
Setting up Multiple Approvers
- If you want to set up a "group" of approvers, so that the document will route to more than one person, but the first approver who takes action on a document will move the document forward in the workflow, then ensure that the members you set up in KSAMS have exactly the same Qualifiers. This means that multiple people set up with the exact same Chart Code, Organization Code, From/To Amounts, and Document Type Name in KSAMS will be "grouped" together in a sense. Documents will route to all of the individuals at once, but the first person to take action, clears the document from everyone else's action list at that node/level.
- If you assign two people to the Organization Reviewer role with different qualifiers (like different Orgs or different amounts), then every Organization/Accounting Reviewer has to approve each document (meaning two approvals may be needed in order to finalize).
From Amount
Optional: You may select the minimum dollar amount that this approver will receive for Transaction Documents.
To Amount
Optional: You may select the maximum dollar amount that this approver will receive for Transaction Documents.
Accounting Reviewer for FYI (10575) or Accounting Reviewer for Acknowledge (10576)
This is an optional role, and it is hierarchical. This role receives an FYI only or an Acknowledge only (depending on which role is selected) on select Transactional Documents after the Fiscal Officer.
Document Type Name
Reviewers can opt to receive an FYI or Acknowledge on select transactional documents by inputting the abbreviation of the Doc Type in the Document Type Name field. Either the Parent Document Type (like FP, TT) can be used, or individual docs can be used (BA, DV, GEC, etc.). Not all document types have the Accounting Reviewer node, but the below documents can be selected/used with the Accounting Reviewer for FYI or Acknowledge. (More information about document types can be found here).
You must complete a separate line for each Document Type Name or Organization Code, if it is for the same person.
* Chart Code
This is a required field. From the pull-down menu, select IR for Campus, MC for Medical Center
* Organization Code
This is a required field.
Enter your new KFS organization number. You may have Accounting Reviewers set up at one or more Org levels. A full list of organization codes can be found on the KFS Decision Support tab (on ZotPortal > Finances/KFS page). This is under the report titled Organizational Hierarchy. For your convenience, the report link can be found by clicking here.
Organization Level | Organization Description | Organization Number |
Hierarchical Example: If you have an Approver at the school level, 9XXX, this reviewer will receive all documents submitted using accounts/Orgs using the 9XXX Org entered, plus will be required to approve each document for lower org levels that roll up to the 9XXX Org as well.
If the goal is to require two Accounting Reviewer approvals on a single document, it's recommended to set up reviewers either at the higher level Orgs and at the department/lower level Orgs.
If you only want one Accounting Level approver, either set up the reviewer at the highest level, or on each individual department/lower level Org, but not both
Setting up Multiple Reviewers
- If you want to set up a "group" of reviewers, so that the document will route to more than one person (but the first reviewer who takes action on a document will move the document forward in the workflow) you can do this by ensuring all members you set up in KSAMS have the same Qualifiers. This means that multiple people set up with the exact same Chart Code, Organization Code, From/To Amounts, and Document Type Name in KSAMS will be "grouped" together in a sense. Documents will route to all of the individuals at once, but the first person to take action, clears the document from everyone else's action list at that node/level.
- If you assign two people to the Organization Reviewer role with different qualifiers (like different Orgs or different amounts), then every Organization/Accounting Reviewer has to approve or review each document (meaning two approvals may be needed in order to finalize).
From Amount
Optional: You may select the minimum dollar amount that this reviewer will receive for Transaction Documents.
To Amount
Optional: You may select the maximum dollar amount that this reviewer will receive for Transaction Documents.
TEM Organization Profile Arranger (10009)
This is a required role for an Organization-approved Travel Arranger who will have ability to (1) edit the TEM Profiles for all users in the specified organizations, and (2) create/complete Travel & Event Reimbursement documents for payees belonging to that Organization, and (3) view Travel & Event documents for payees within that organization. The ability to reimburse an employee for Travel or Events depends on if the payee has created their Travel & Event Management (TEM) Profile and the "Arranger" has access to the profile/payee. Because Arrangers can view some personal information on the TEM Profile, and can import/view their Corporate Travel Card expenses, either the employee payee has to add individuals manually to their TEM Profile, or the DSA can add someone to be an Arranger for all members in the Organization via the TEM Organization Profile Arranger role. More information about TEM Profiles and Arranger can be found here.
The role is by default not hierarchical; you must input a Y into the Descends Hierarchy field to make this role hierarchical. Otherwise, you can input an N and then add separate lines for each org you would like them to administer.
* Chart Code
This is a required field. From the pulldown menu, select IR for Campus, MC for Medical Center
* Organization Code
This is a required field.
Enter your new KFS organization number. You may have Organization Profile Arrangers set up at one or more Org levels. A full list of organization codes can be found on the KFS Decision Support tab (on ZotPortal > Finances/KFS page). This is under the report titled Organizational Hierarchy. For your convenience, the report link can be found by clicking here.
Organization Level | Organization Description | Organization Number |
Hierarchical Example: If you have an Arranger at the school level, 9XXX, this Arranger can view all Profiles and documents within the organization (including any Orgs that report up to it).
Descends Hierarchy
Y=Yes; N=No
For now, please select Y.
Hierarchical Example: If you select Y, then if you have a TEM Org Profile Arranger at the school level (9XXX), the arranger can initiate documents at any org level within the School/Organization. If setting up at the Department Level, then the Arranger will only have access to documents and Profiles of users within that Department.
Organization Reconciler (10325)
This is an optional View-Only role to allow department reconciler or reviewers to open DV and TEM Transaction documents that are normally limited for viewing, without them being in the route log. The role is hierarchy Org based.
Normally, Disbursement Vouchers are restricted for viewing by anyone whom is not in the route log of the document, since these documents can contain itemized semi-personal details like addresses, purchase receipts, and other reimbursement information. Likewise, Travel and Event reimbursements are restricted to users whom are in the route log or a TEM Profile Arranger, since they contain addresses, travel, or itemized reimbursement information. The Organization Reconciler role allows departments to assign users to open all DV or TEM Transaction documents within their Org Hierarchy. This is useful if the assignee is not normally in the workflow of a DV or TT, and has a need to view
* Chart Code
This is a required field. From the pulldown menu, select IR for Campus, MC for Medical Center
* Organization Code
This is a required field. Enter your new KFS organization number. You may have Organization Reconcilers set up at one or more Org levels, but since viewing access is hierarchy based, you only need to set up access on the highest Org level you would like them to view. A full list of organization codes can be found on the KFS Decision Support tab (on ZotPortal > Finances/KFS page). This is under the report titled Organizational Hierarchy. For your convenience, the report link can be found by clicking here.
Organization Level | Organization Description | Organization Number |
Hierarchical Example: If you have an Organization Reconciler at the school level, 9XXX, this Reconciler can view all DV or TT documents within the organization (including any Orgs that report up to it). If you want the Reconciler to only view one or two Departments, you may want to set up those Organization levels, 8XXX, separately.