OIT Projects - Process and Management

OIT Projects - Process and Management

The scope of OIT's project management process covers information technology projects including system or software development or acquisition, infrastructure, and network or hardware needs. OIT's goal is to support an open, transparent, and representative process for submitting and evaluating project proposals, prioritization, scheduling, and resource allocation. The information in this site is available to help you understand and participate in this process and includes information that will assist you in submitting a request for new work.

Use the index in the right navigation panel to access the information you need to manage your project.

Systems Development Practices and Guidelines

OIT provides application development or enhancement services to the campus and has a set of practices and guidelines in place that ensure the development of quality robust systems that meet customer needs. OIT also offers assistance to functional units developing their own applications. OIT uses a proven and industry accepted set of project development and management practices. These practices assure a project is completed within agreed upon time and budget constraints, conforms to customer requirements, fits into current and planned OIT infrastructure, and is cost effective to maintain and enhance over time. This approach applies to development of customized systems or vendor software purchases.

OIT's services include project initiation and definition of scope, requirements analysis, design, implementation, and testing of an application. A rigorous System Development Process is followed to launch an application that meets quality, performance and security standards. Once in production, OIT performs all necessary upgrades, patches, and typical routine activities throughout the maintenance lifetime of an application.

  • The OIT Unified SDLC is a concise checklist to help you get started.
  • UCOP's Systems Development Standards (BFB-IS-10) document describes standards for developing (or purchasing and installing) and maintaining computer applications for administrative purposes at all UC campuses and at the Office of the President (OP) of the University of California.  It applies to high risk systems development, Application Service Providers (ASP) for off-campus hosted software, or vendor product purchases.

  • Refer to How to Submit a New Project for complete information on how to request OIT assistance in setting up a new project. OIT can also provide project oversight and assessment services.

  • A good article describing formal Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) practices is available at Wikipedia.


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