How to Submit a New Project

How to Submit a New Project


First of all, make sure the scope of the work needed indicates that the work should be be managed as a project rather than a simple change or routine maintenance. The information on the Identifying a Project page will help you decide. If the work meets the definition of a project you will need to submit details about the project to OIT. One of the key elements of a project proposal is a statement of the financial impact of the project. To aid in determining what should be included in the financial impact statement, download and use the Project Estimated Cost workbook. This will provide OIT with a consistent format for details of each project's scope, size, and costs. To help OIT evaluate the overall benefit and impact of the project, be sure to provide a Project Scorecard. This will help quantify the benefits, associated risks, and return on investment for the project. (Note that in both cases, these documents are only starting points for evaluating the project and will be re-evaluated as the project is reviewed.)

How to Submit a Proposal

All OIT projects are managed by OIT staff. It is usually best to determine which OIT manager will be responsible for implementing the project. Working with that manager to prepare and submit the proposal will greatly speed the process and ensure that required information is collected early in the process.

Each request will be numbered, categorized, and logged on the Project Logs page.

If you are NOT identified in ServiceNow as a Project Manager:

  1. Complete a Project Proposal form for the project. If necessary, also calculate the estimated cost of the project and prepare a Project Scorecard.
  2. Save the project proposal as a Word document and the estimated cost and scorecard as Excel documents.
  3. Submit the project proposal and other associated documents to OIT one of two ways:
    • Submit the proposal through OIT's Self Service Portal. (You must log in to the portal using a valid UCINetID.) Attachments (proposal document, estimated cost, scorecard, vendor information, specifications, requirements, and other applicable information) can be submitted with the proposal by dragging and dropping them on the proposal form or by using the small paperclip icon in the upper right of the form.
    • Send an email to oit@uci.edu with the project documents as a attachments and the Subject "Project Proposal." If you attach any documents other than the proposal, estimated cost, or scorecard, be sure to describe the documents in the email text. The responsible OIT manager can be copied in the email.

If you ARE identified in ServiceNow as a Project Manager:

  1. You can either follow the procedure described above or enter the project information directly into ServiceNow. Entering the information directly into ServiceNow is preferred since the project will eventually need to be entered anyway.
  2. Log in to ServiceNow, select the Project application and from the Projects group, select Create New.
  3. Provide as much information as is available for the project and click Submit button to submit the project. Use the instructions on the Entering Project Information in ServiceNow page to guide you through the data field requirements.

Need help?

Contact the OIT Project Management Office or the OIT Help Desk, (949) 824-2222, and ask to speak with an OIT /wiki/spaces/adcom/pages/68018776 member if you have any questions.


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