Financial Services Website Meeting 10-12-2009
Meeting with Financial Services web re-design team on Monday, October 12, 2009 - 10:30 a.m.
Present: Linda Sizemore, Dianne Bean, Elain Wiedeman, Edgar deLosAngeles, Sonja Elson
In using the Cascade Server CMS the team requested:
1.Left nav expandable
2. Banner heading = Financial Services
3. Three column layout
4. Workflow as part of editing process
5. Limited access for certain editors
6. Inclusion of the authorization form
7. RSS feeds for Fee Deadlines or Fee Increases ( not an immediate need)
8. Customized footer area with Mission Statement, Site Index link, Privacy link,
9. Ability to add images to left and right columns
10. Banner and appearance as close to UCI standard as possible
11. Both UCI themes if possible but only if it's not a dealbreaker. Do like the dark blue theme. (Having 2 themes requires .php work which OIT-A cannot provide)
Would like to see a dark blue banner with white columns below.
12. If UCI template is updated would like to have latest one pushed to FS