Re-license Windows 10 Pro for Enterprise
On this page
Computers that were licensed for Windows 10 Enterprise may have reverted to Windows 10 Pro. These computers must be re-licensed to Windows 10 Enterprise.
Resolution (BigFix)
Units using OIT's BigFix installation may use the following interrelated fixlets. (If you would like OIT to do this on your behalf, please initiate a ServiceNow incident.)
[SCRIPT] - Windows - License - output to file
This fixlet outputs the existing Windows license information to a local data file. The fixlet it is relevant on computers where there is no file, or the file is older than one day. It is intended to be run periodically, or as a repeating action.
[UCI] - Windows - License
This analysis enables the operator to view Windows license data on the computers within their administrative cope. It collates data from the local file, updated hourly; if the data file is not present then license information is reported as "-none-". The analysis is enabled site-wide.
Automated Correction
[SCRIPT] - Windows - License - Pro -> Enterprise (UCInet)
This fixlet is relevant on Windows 10 computers whose data file indicates it is not presently licensed at Enterprise, and are on UCInet or a UCI VPN. The action writes a new key, re-arms with the Windows Key Management Server, and writes a new copy of the data file. Success is validated based on the contents of the new data file.
User Prompt
[SCRIPT] - Windows - License - Prompt to Connect to VPN
This task is relevant on Windows 10 computers whose data file indicates it is not presently licensed at Enterprise, but are NOT connected to UCI. The action presents a message to the user:
UC Irvine VPN | Renew Windows License
This computer needs to update its Windows license. To do so, please connect to the UCI VPN; the computer will automatically update its license. Call the OIT Help Desk at (949) 824-2222 if you have any questions.
When the user accepts the action, it launches the Cisco AnyConnect login screen.
Note: The user must then manually connect to the VPN.
This task is intended to be run at intervals, or on a recurrent schedule, as needed while still relevant. Once the computer as re-armed its license, the task will no longer be relevant.
Resolution (manual)
Command Prompt
C:\WINDOWS\system32\slmgr.vbs /dli
PS> Get-CimInstance SoftwareLicensingProduct -Filter "Name like 'Windows%'" | where { $_.PartialProductKey } | select Name, Description, LicenseStatus
SELECT Name,Description,LicenseStatus FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL
These commands may be run at an elevated command prompt, or via a remote management system.
Note: The system MUST be connected to UCInet at the time.
C:\WINDOWS\system32\slmgr.vbs /ipk NPPR9-FWDCX-D2C8J-H872K-2YT43 C:\WINDOWS\system32\slmgr.vbs /ato