How to Grant Cognos User Folder Permission
How to Grant Cognos User Folder Permission
Under each department, there is a Users folder, where individual user develop their own report. Each user can chose to grant access of their own folder to other Cognos users.
Step 1: Navigate to the folder, and click on the Set properties icon
Step 2: Select the Permissions tab
Step 3: Select the Override checkbox, then click on Add link
Step 4: Click on Type to manually add users
Step 5: Type in user's UCINetID with UCINetIDAuth as namespace, e.g.,UCINetIDAuth\heidib; and click on the arrow to accept
Step 6: Verify the user, and click on OK to accept
Step 7: Select user name and Grant Rad/Execute/Traverse to allow users to view and execute reports. Click Ok to complete the process.