PMC - ServiceNow Project Approval Workflow

PMC - ServiceNow Project Approval Workflow


  • PMO - OIT Project Management Office (currently Kian and Eric P)
  • PRT - OIT Project Review Team (currently Kian, Carmen, Marina, Shohreh)
  • ARB - OIT Architecture Review Board (currently Marina, Carmen, ?)
  • PM - Project Manager of the related project - generally an OIT team manager who works with the business unit co-responsible for the project
  • Stakeholder - Business unit manager co-responsible for the project

Project Approval Workflow Steps in ServiceNow

  1. Submit Project Proposal (PM or stakeholder)
    1. Project Manager or stakeholder submits a project proposal via the ServiceNow project intake form
    2. Submission triggers notification to the PMO (with approve/return/disapprove task?)
      1. Should set the Project's Phase to "Initiating" and State to "PMO Review"
  2. Confirm Completeness (PMO)
    1. PMO member reviews project proposal for completeness
      1. Returns to submitter if revisions are needed 
      2. Disapproves if submitter agrees to cancel it
      3. Approves/advances to PRT when proposal is complete
        1. Approve triggers notification to the PRT (with approve/return/disapprove task?)
        2. Should keep the Project's Phase at "Initiating" and State to "PRT Review"
  3. Review/Approve Project Initiation (PRT)
    1. Project Review Team conduct initial discussion on the project at their next meeting
      1. Decide and enact:
        1. Return the proposal to the submitter for more info
        2. Disapprove (cancel) the project (should be in collaboration with the submitter)
        3. Contact the PM and ask them to organize a Project Initiation Review/Approval meeting
    2. PM schedule and conduct Project Initiation Review/Approval meeting
      1. If the PRT agrees the project needs ARB Review/Approval
        1. PM should change the Project's State to "ARB Review" and keep the Phase at "Initiating"
          1. This should generate an approval task (for the ARB members or for the Director over the PM, or the PRT?)
        2. PM should then schedule and conduct an ARB Project Initiation Review/Approval meeting
      2. If the Director over the PM agrees to proceed with the project, the Director should Approve the Project Initiation task
        1. Should change the Project's Phase to "Planning" and the State to "Open"
  4. Optional - Architecture Review/Approval (ARB)
    1. If the ARB was requested to review/approve and at their meeting they agree to approve the project ...
      1. ARB/PRT/PM (or whoever was assigned the approval task) should approve the task
        1. Should change the Project's Phase to "Planning" and the State to "Open"
  5. Conduct Project Planning
    1. When planning begins, PM should change the project's State to "Work in Progress" leaving the Phase at "Planning"
      1. No workflow actions need to be triggered by this
    2. When planning is complete, PM should change the Project's State to "Closed Complete" leaving the Phase at "Planning"
      1. Should trigger a workflow task to the PRT to approve Project Implementation
  6. Review/Approve Project Implementation (PRT)
    1. {still need to flesh this out}
      1. Once planning's completed, the PM schedules a Project Implementation Review/Approval meeting with the PRT with the Project's state set back to "PRT Review"
      2. If the PRT approves implementation, they record the approval in SN, the Project Phase moves to "Executing" and State "Open"
        1. When implementation work starts, PM sets the State to "Work in Progress"
        2. When implementation work is completed, PM sets the State to "Closed Complete" and schedules Project Go-Live Review/Approval meeting with the PRT
  7. Review/Approve Project Go-Live (PRT)
    1. {still need to flesh this out}

      1. Once the project's implementation is completed, the PM conducts a Project Go-Live Review/Approval meeting with the PRT with the Project's state set back to "PRT Review"

      2. If the PRT approves for go-live, they record the approval in SN, the Project Phase moves to "Closing" and the State "Open" (a new Phase like "Deployment" might be helpful here)
        1. When go-live work starts, PM sets the State to "Work in Progress"
        2. When the deployment is completed, PM sets the State to ???
  8. Close Project (PM)
    1. {still need to flesh this out}

      1. Once the project's fully deployed and ready to be closed out, the PM changes the Phase to "Closing" and State = "Work in Progress", conducts the closeout work and when done sets the State = "Close Completed"

      2. Not sure if anything else then needs to be done in SN to record that project as fully closed.

OIT Projects for exercising the workflow (February 2015)

  • Educational Technologies Team (Briandy)
    • DUE Data & Development - David Pritikin
      • Mobile Card Reader
        • Preparing to start the project
    • Academic Web Technologies - Will ask David P for projects
  • GD/OR IT Team (Eric T)
    • Kuali Coeus Negotiations Module Implementation (Submitted to SN Workflow)
      • Ready for closeout, development and user acceptance completed, go-live on February 12, 2015
    • Kuali Coeus Conflict of Interest Module Implementation (Submitted to SN Workflow)
      • In development, targeting go-live in July 2015
    • Kuali Coeus/Cayuse 424 S2S Integration (Submitted to SN Workflow)
      • Phase 1 completed
      • Phase 2 In development, targeting go-live in July 2015
    • Research Administration Data Warehouse Phase 1 (Submitted to SN Workflow)
      • On hold pending personnel resources, expected to start March 1, 2015
    • Tick@Lab Implementation (Submitted to SN Workflow)
      • Infrastructure almost setup, product implementation phase to start March 1, 2015
    • LAOHP Administration System (Submitted to SN Workflow)
      • Long delayed project (started in May 2012), final round of enhancements under development now with production pilot targeted for May 1, 2015
  • Human Resources IT Team (Ying)
    • Greentree Upgrade to Version 8.4
      • Project not yet initiated, but will be soon
    • QuickTemp Rewrite & UCPath Conversion
      • Large project alread in progress with October 2015 target completion
  • Network Operations (Diane - and maybe Stacey)
    • Voice Mail Upgrade
    • New Telephone System Migration/Upgrade
    • Mesa Court New Construction (D&CS Project)
    • Police Departments Dispatch Renovation (Facilities Project)
  • UC Path IT Team (Paul)
  • Windows Server Group (Jeff)
    • Police Department File Server Migration
      • Folder Structure defined with department. Aakash is near schedule to implement migration execution.. Expected to be completed by March 1, 2015
    • Office365 ADFS 2.0 to 3.0 Upgrade
      • On hold pending personnel resources, expected to start May, 2015
    • Microsoft Server 2003 End of Life Project
      • In progress, 61% complete. No solid target date for completion.


Eric's Test Projects in UCIdev.service-now.com

SN Phases: Initiating, Planning, Executing, Closing

SN Statuses: Draft, Pending, PMO Review, PRT Review, ARB Review, Open, Work In Progress, Closed Complete, Closed Incomplete, Closed Skipped

SN Approvals: Not Yet Requested, Requested, Approved, Rejected

Project NameStatus SummarySN PhaseSN StatusSN Approval
Eric T's Project A - WishlistNot Yet ProposedInitiatingDraftNot Yet Requested
Eric T's Project B - ProposedPending Initiation ApprovalInitiatingPRT ReviewRequested
Eric T's Project C - InitiatedPending Implementation ApprovalPlanningPRT ReviewRequested
Eric T's Project D - ImplementedPending Go Live ApprovalExecutingPRT ReviewRequested
Eric T's Project E - ClosedCompletedClosingClosed CompletedApproved
Eric T's Project F - CancelledCancelledClosingClosed IncompleteApproved
Eric T's Project G - On HoldImplementation Approved but on temporary holdExecuting?Open?Not Yet Requested








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