UCI-OIT PMC Meeting - 12-11-2015
UCI-OIT PMC Meeting - 12-11-2015
- Jeffry M Martin
- Eric Puchalski
- Eric Puchalski
- Bee Walden
- Kelsey Layos
- Shirley Sharon Stevenson
- Carmen E. Roode
- Kian Colestock
Location: MSTB 232
- Quantifying cost of new projects
- Hard and soft costs, minimum and worst case, etc.
- Previous attempts to do this:
- Financial Impact section of Project Proposal
- Project Ranking Tool
- High-Level Cost/Benefit Analysis
- Rules for email notifying assignees on project tasks:
- Assigned To is changed and project is active (State is "Open" or "Work in Progress").
- New task added to an active project.
- When a project moves from inactive to active are all task assignees notified?
- Other
- Thoughts from group on overall PM efforts for group.
- Information about implementation needs to be announced in more clear manners to the masses.
- The intent for SN is to help facilitate conversations and decisions around shared resources.
- Areas of redundancy need to move to ServiceNow - the more centralized, the more useful.
- Casualties cited from SN implementation (so far)
- 2 year road map creation
- Critical Staffing Needs reports.
- 30/60/90 Security Initiatives moving into SN.
- To date, the PMC has accomplished a good deal of initiatives that were previously unaddressed.
- Question for PMC to address regarding addressing conflicting project resources:
- On conflicting projects, how should OIT consider sizing of different kinds to determine which project should take priority?
- There is a need for a trigger to flag conflicting project resources. What is the process of implementing that and what are the elements that is driven by?
- Rules for email notifying assignees on project tasks - Update from Eric with Questions for group
- At what point do we want to generate an email?
- The group agrees - When a project becomes 'Work In Progress' and assigned.
- What do we do when a task is reassigned?
- The group agrees - A notification goes out to the new assigned person.
- At what point do we want to generate an email?
Action Items:
- By the next meeting, the group will explore the different options for flagging conflicting projects so they can be identified to discuss with directors to negotiate which project will take priority.
, multiple selections available,