UCI-OIT PMC Meeting - 2-18-2016 3-17-2016

UCI-OIT PMC Meeting - 2-18-2016 3-17-2016



Location: PSQ-126


  1.  Manager level / team project SN reports (What do they look like – need POC, method of delivery, frequency, etc)

    1. Are managers OK with SN reporting?

      1. Many managers focus more on putting in the right data for Sr Mgmt to use - if that's OK
      2. Some managers use it more for their local business unit status reporting
        1. Can't deliver SN reports to business units, but gets info for unit status reports
    2. Should OIT-Leadership group get the Directors' review reports monthly?
      1. Yes - individuals can use or ignore as needed, reiterates that Sr Directors are using them
    3. Maybe create a Portfolio Review log of decisions that can be shared
      1. Kian will follow-up with Eric P
  2. Update the group on the new fields added to the project record and what processes do they drive?
    1. Estimated Cost

    2. Financial Impact
      1. Financial Impact focused more on describing the financial impact - not necessarily focused on cost savings
      2. May desire a future "Cost Savings" element
    3. Risk Flag
      1. Y/N trigger to alert OIT Sr Mgmnt that a project needs attention
      2. Not intended to indicate all of the projects risks
      3. Set to Planning for OIT Sr Management to ignore
      4. Kian: Review new Min Reqd elements page including Risk and then approve, communicate
        1. Consider announcing mid-April for May's review meeting
    4. Other
      1. Est Cost and Fin Impact greatly eased the annual OIT budget prep process
      2. Kian: Consider asking Preston/Eric if Project text elements can include "default" text with instructions
      3. Minimum required elements for a Project record
        1. brief description, accepted values
        2. Include the new Risk Flag and all other key elements
        3. Maybe include notation about Clint's idea re:create a master timeline task to better control SN Project Dates a% complete
        4. Description of other optional fields useful to PMs (like Manual/Automatic)
          1. Score is optional, but non-zero scores get reviewed by Sr Directors
        5. Eric P's working on it
  3. Health Report
    1. Next update cycle (annual) should be much easier, copy and ask people to edit
    2. Maybe long term see how the info can be managed in SN
  4. Project Portfolios – how should OIT use them (if at all)? Do we endorse using portfolios for project reporting over standard project reports?

    1. SN Portfolios still have some confusing complexities and problems (possibly only with old project records)

    2. For now, let's skip relying on/requiring use of Project Portfolios and focus on effective reports instead
      1. Maybe revisit in the future
  5. Using the PMC as a project manager resource (New PMs coming on board)

    1.  What PM artifacts do we focus on that are missing?

      1. Unified SDLC has lots of templates - if any new ones are needed, they can be added
      2. Other groups that don't use the Unified SDLC have their own templates 
    2. What PM tools are recommended, and how are they supported by OIT or this group?
      1. MS Project (local or cloud), SN, SmartSheet, Trello, Excel, Wiki, etc.
    3. How do new PMs engage with this group, and what is the group’s role?
      1. Consider inviting next few new PMs to a next PMC meeting for discussion/orientation
      2. Over time, maybe the PMC Chair mentor or assign a mentor from the PMC to help on-board that person with OIT details and learn about their ideas for improving OIT PM practices
    4. Maybe focus on building out this page as a PM BOK UCI Project Management Community (PMC) Resources and Tools
      1. Consider main use case "I'm a new PM, what do I need to know about managing projects in OIT?"
      2. Should also add Kian's estimation model and info on how to use it (really needs training on how to use it)
      3. Add other similar resources/processes other OIT groups have been using




Action Items: 

  • All - Review the above meeting notes to come current with discussion/decisions - talk with Kian for clarification as needed
  • Kian/Eric P - Distribute the monthly Director-level SN Project reports to the OIT Leadership group
  • Kian/Eric P - Work on a Portfolio Review Log of portfolio project decisions that can be shared across OIT and business units
  • Eric P - Finish the new Minimum Required SN Project Elements wiki page
  • Kian - Review the new Minimum Required SN Project Elements page including Risk and then approve and communicate to OIT Leaderhips group
  • Kian: Talk with Preston/Eric P about whether some of the the Project text-area elements can include "default" text with instructions
  • Jeff: Invite any newly-hired OIT colleagues serving as a PM to a next PMC meeting for discussion/orientation
  • Eric P: Work on building-out this page as a UCI OIT PM BOK UCI Project Management Community (PMC) Resources and Tools

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