UCI-OIT PMC Meeting - 09-17-2015
UCI-OIT PMC Meeting - 09-17-2015
Location: PSQ 126
- Update to group on meetings with Directors re: PMC efforts within ServiceNow.
- Decision needed by committee on the following items:
- Addition of a free form filed intended for 'Current Status' - This has been approved.
- Addition of the option 'On Hold' to options in the STATE filed. - This has been approved.
- Metadata within ServiceNow - Carmen
- Define business DR criticality definitions (UC Ready or UCOP? standards) - Assigned to Eric P and Shirley for definition and to present standards.
General Status Updates (does not need in depth discussion unless items need clarification)
- Current assignments
- Carmen E Roode – Track PMC initiatives in ServiceNow as a project - PLANNING
- Jeff Martin \ Bee Walden – Meetings with Directors – IN PROGRESS
- Lyle Wiedeman – Documentation for project inventory – PLANNING
- Eric Puchalski - Document creation for what a project should be considered - IN PROGRESS
- Eric Puchalski - Change 'Open' and 'Work In Progress' to define what type of state (managed by SN or other) - IN PROGRESS
- Fuji Update
- Assigned permissions for all leadership in OIT – COMPLETE
- Upgrade to Fuji in Dev – COMPLETE
- Upgrade to Fuji in Prod – IN PROGRESS
Action Items:
- Eric Puchalski - Develop plan for publishing Director and Manager dashboard pages in SN.
- Eric Puchalski - Add 'Current Status' filed for projects. This would be a free-form text box used to provide current project status summary.
- Eric Puchalski - Add 'On Hold' option to STATE field in projects.
, multiple selections available,
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