UCI-OIT PMC Meeting - 11-12-2015

UCI-OIT PMC Meeting - 11-12-2015


Location: PSQ126


  1. Dashboard reports for Managers and Directors in ServiceNow - 
    1. Decide on what reports to publish on manager and director pages for v 1.0
    2. Schedule a date to review the dashboards
    3. Schedule an initial commitment date to have first draft of dashboards deployed to all SN members. 
  2. INC to Project conversion
    1. Eric will update the PMC on progress of this feature.
  3. Formal process for submitting projects 
    1. Eric\ Carmen update the PMC on progress of this information.


  • Report Dashboards
    • Eric is working on developing the reports in a dynamic way instead of having to update reports per manager\ director. 
    • Eric is going to work on a demo page for reports and plans to have something available next week as a demo. 
  • INC to Project conversion: 
    • Technically possible and easy to do.
    • Eric needed a decision on if this was something we wanted to implement. 
    • ETA on implementation will be next week. 
  • Formal documentation
    • Being updated needs more time and attention. 
    • Needs more graphical summary in overview. 
  • Project assignment 
    • Decision made to send emails for project assignments.
    • Disable email by team or by individual is possible and should be offered. 


Action Items: