KBM Mappings
Multiple data issues prompted the review/audit of the existing KBM model to try and understand the loading structure/flow. Limited documentation was available and with multiple variations of tables (i.e. v2, _working, _new) made troubleshooting difficult.
KBM Audit Mappings for Reporting
KBM Audit Mappings for Reporting in which the target tables used in reporting are bolded. The mapping order in which the tables are loaded is listed. If the same mapping is listed in multiple flows, they do not load twice, but that mapping would be needed to load each target table.
Mappings Used in KBM
Mappings Used in KBM in which I took the mappings used in the first Excel sheet, removed the duplicates, and bolded the mappings that are used in the KBM workflow. There are only a couple mappings we are not using at all in production.