Kuali Day Planning for Data Warehouse

Kuali Day Planning for Data Warehouse

Preparation Tasks:

Valerie will create a new package called "Kuali Day Demo" with a limited number of transactions and columns

Jason will build a simple report based off of this package

Jason will create screen shots of Cognos demo screens and will send them to Valerie


Show and Tell:

Quick Overview of Plan

Demo of UofA KFS reports

Demo of Cognos

  • Dashboard/Reports List
  • Reports
  • AdHoc Query



We're Going Green! (put green leaf image here) No more waiting for delivery of your paper reports!

The new UCI Decision Support (UCI DS) system will provide the following functionality:

  • Standardized Reports that are accessible on-line via PDF or Excel
  • Report scheduling and email delivery - report links will be emailed to you as soon as they are ready
  • Drill-down capability from summary data to transactional details
  • AdHoc Query with an easy to use drag and drop interface

Future Enhancements:

  • Dashboards
  • Drill-through capability on transactions between reports (e.g. drill to invoice detail from a ledger transaction)
  • Enhanced projection tool, integrated with UCI DS



  • What does UCI DS stand for?
  • What formats can you get your new reports in?


Contact Information:

Valerie Jones, vjones@uci.edu, (949) 824-1722

Jason Jensen, jcjensen@uci.edu, (949) 824-8087

Durendal Huynh, durendah@uci.edu, (949) 824-9348