Reporting Considerations with Object Codes in KFS
Reporting Considerations with Object Codes in KFS
1) No Organizational Hierarchy Tied to an Object Code
- This concerns users, since they will have to remember to search based off of their object codes instead of their organization code when searching for revenue activity and/or balances.
- This also creates problems when creating standard reports for departments that have revenue accounts. These reports will only show balances for the accounts that fall under their org, which may not include all activity under their revenue object code.
2) Self-balancing Accounts & Revenue Object Codes
- Will users be able to use their revenue object codes with their converted expense accounts in KFS? How will balance carryforwards be entered into the system?
- Currently, from my research the revenue balances are showing up in KFS with the control account and revenue object code. For example, Housing's object code of J321 is showing up with a balance under UC18888.
3) Translation Confusion
- The logic to translate FS accounts into KFS Accounts or Object Codes is somewhat confusing, and other systems are attempting to do this translation themselves.
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