KFS Decision Support Meeting - 2014-06-12
KFS Decision Support Meeting - 2014-06-12
Attending: Brenda, Carmen, Valerie, Marina
- Discussed KBM issues. Determined that we need to clarify whether Rich is concerned about the KFS UCOP files due in October or the KBM reports or both. Answer: both.
- Carmen will ask Jarrod about the UCOP Budget files due in October.
- Eufemia will not be able to fix the KBM framework upon arrival.
- We collectively decided to delay SpendAnalytics until August and Valerie will be the project manager of the KBM reports in July.
- Tony, Keiko, Jarrod, Valerie, and Maria will need to meet together to figure out the gaps and fix the KBM Framework. Valerie will implement the new framework and train Eufemia at the same time. Valerie will schedule this meeting in early July.
- We all would like for the KBM reports and UCOP Bud files tested and ready by the end of August.
- Eufemia will need two monitors. We will use Susie's desktop. She will sit next to Sushma.
- FS 400 report status - Katherine says it is not in a usable state. Katherine has new budget fund groups in Cognos. That report is using an old Cognos package (version 3), and it isn't working. Report needs to be rebuild in the new package with the new fund groups. Could take a couple weeks. Finished 200R.
- Brenda will ask Jason to recreate the FS400 report with a new package. Drop dead date: July 1st for Jason to get the report done. There are no specs for the FS reports.
- Linda Sizemore's report needs attention (Receivables or Aging Report). Everything seems to be going good except the "Front-end" which is Linda's report. I-Rong heard last Wed. during the SIS vendor demo, Linda communicated that the report is still not right.
- Valerie will call Linda and find out what the problem is.
- Mark Guerra wants access to Oracle SQL Developer. We need to have him use the AdHoc query capability in Cognos instead. Mark will need training on Advance User on Cognos. Brenda will have Kevin train Mark on Adhoc Cognos functionality.
- Web services cutovers and what is available now in production? Jason Lin and Jarrod are working on the final rollout. Jason and Jarrod have the cutover date in their JIRA tickets.
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