KFS Archive and Audit Reports Management Plan
The direction for Kuali report archives has undergone change from initial plans.
In a meeting on January 14th between Cheryl, Carmen, Keiko, and Marina, we discussed how to handle the legacy Mobius reports and KFS reports that must be archived for retention and audit purposes. AAR was a project envisioned to house migrated legacy Mobius reports and capture new KFS reports that must be archived for audit purposes. It would have been based on EROS. As a result of the January 14th discussion, a decision was made to continue with the migration of Mobius to the distributed platform to house legacy reports and if needed, Mobius could also support the capture of any KFS reports that may require archival and conform to similar retention/purge requirements. Cheryl added that it shouldn't take too much more effort to implement the KFS report functionality. This decision eliminates the overhead of two separate systems handling similar functionality.
In subsequent discussions, Carmen, Valerie, and Marina agreed that we can continue to use Cognos for new KFS reports rather than migrating to Mobius and, since the newest version of Cognos supports Content Archiving, we may not need Mobius for KFS at all. Cognos 10.2 natively supports fully integrated content archiving to a file system. This feature can be used by organizations such as UCI that have content retention and audit requirements that are looking to keep their Cognos content store free from large report outputs to maximize their environmental performance.
We don't anticipate performance problems for some time after Kuali go-live and will address them as they are identified, and probably use the Cognos 10.2 archiving as a solution.
As background, in late 2012, AAR was put on hold to research an option of continuing to use Mobius on the distributed platform, eliminating the need for eDocs programming and saving scarce programmer staff resources. There was some confusion as to whether AAR was supposed to continue being developed for the KFS reports archival. A number of folks had assumed that we would use the same system for handling legacy and KFS report archival and implement the complexities of retention and purge rules in a single system. In the future, OIT may migrate to a more modern report archival solution than Mobius, possibly Cognos 10.2 Archiving. However, in the meantime Mobius will continue to provide a consistent experience for our users across legacy FS reports as well as Payroll reports until UCPath is up. Ideally, audits will be handled by looking into as few repositories as possible.
On a related note, Carmen and Marina spoke with Penny regarding the UCOP Record Disposition Schedule in the afternoon of 1/14/2103 and found out that the schedule is in the process of being updated and revised. Around June of 2013, Penny mentioned that the updated Financial record disposition schedule may be completed, at which time, the KFS team can start reviewing archival requirements. Until then, the KFS team will retain FS, Purchasing, and CAM/EQS Cognos reports for audit purposes deemed necessary by functional users for audit purposes.
In a conversation between Brenda, Victor, Valerie, and Carmen on Tuesday, January 15th, it was also decided that reports can be created from either the KFS database or from Data Warehouse database, that both are equally valid for archival and audit purposes.
Once the new record disposition schedules are created, Kuali FS, Purchasing, and CAM reports will be created and archived using Cognos 10.2 or Mobius, which ever is deemed more appropriate at the time.