KFS Status Report 05-01-2013
KFS Status Report
As of: May 1, 2013
KFS – Development – In Progress
The KFS project has a new target date for deployment, January 1, 2013. The date was revised to allow more time for testing the system and to allow more time for campus departments and units to get their offices ready for new KFS processes. Campus units have been given a campus readiness kit to help them prepare their unit and the units are making great progress with this. Some initial training sessions are starting in May to supplement the campus readiness process, and a hands-on database has is available for those that have been trained, initially the MAABOS group. Work continues with central office testing and technical team testing and bug fixes as we start up our integration cycle 4 processes.
- Integration Testing –
- Our integration cycle testing goal is to simulate KFS in a production environment. This includes full end to end testing of the system including all interface points, file transfers to and from KFS both within the campus and outside the campus, check write process, bank transfers, processing documents, human interactions, schedules, and more.
- Integration Cycle Testing 3 was concluded in late April, with a number of new processes added to this testing cycle. Close to 100 issues were identified in this cycle. Despite extending the schedule we did not get through all the issues identified in our plan. Testers were not performing as expected which may have been due to identified bugs and data problems which we needed to fixed before they could proceed. We determined that a system reload/refresh was the best outcome so we began preparations for Integration Cycle Testing 4 and will carry forward the incomplete issues.
- KFS Modifications –
- Aside from TEM and KBM, developers have been primarily working on completing modification related to interfaces as well as workflow modifications.
- TEM (Travel and Entertainment Management) –
- Now that the timeline has been extended, we have additional time to address the TEM modifications. Developers are working on mods and bug fixes and expect to have the modifications completed by the end of May.
- Testing of the TEM module is in progress and is going well.
- Chart of Accounts and Data Conversion –
- Refinements are being made to the chart of accounts as problems with processes are identified in our testing.
- Discovered that some logic was missing in local processing to address differences in the account structure between the campus and medical center. Corrections for this have been made.
- Additional time has been spent to further understand and define plant accounting between the medical center and campus.
- Discovered issues in our assumptions regarding loading of Award data into KFS Award. Still working to resolve the issues.
- Functional Testing and Training –
- Per the new schedule, the training schedule will be phased between now and roll-out.
- The training team is continuing to prepare training classes and materials for all KFS modules. Plans are to make online training classes available in UC Learning Center. These should start becoming available in the coming months.
- Training for the MAABOS has been done and a test database was provided for them to test and explore the system on their own.
- Central offices and campus department continue to test various functions of the system.
- KFS Decision Support –
- Report development is going well and our ledger report and balance inquiry report (with drilldowns) have been completed. Finished reports are available in both Cognos and SNAP test.
- Have hired students to supplement the DS team with report development and Java development.
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- Feeder, Shadow and Campus System Migrations/Testing –
- Feeder systems continue to participate in integration testing cycles and are reviewing their feeds in the general ledger. Issues with their data or process are being resolved.
- We have scheduled additional KFS training for our feeder and shadow system technical teams for May 2 and 3 (COA and GL), and May 8 and 9 (Cognos and web services).
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- KBM (Kuali Budget Management) –
- The team is working on development of KBM functions which have now expanded as further exploration of current processes was done.
- Have assigned additional developers to KBM. Planning to complete KBM development by the end of June.
- Cut-Over Planning –
- Cutover plans are being revised and developed in order to coincide with the new KFS roll-out date.
- SAMS and KIM –
- Working to refine access management processes for KFS and other campus applications that currently use SAMS.
- KIM will be the future access management system for our campus, and SAMS will continue to manage access primarily for PPS and other HR applications.
- Have started to introduce KIM to Helpdesk team members who will be responsible for setting up access for KFS and other applications in KIM.
- Proper reconciliation of balances and data is required in order to ensure that we can migrate properly to the new system. We are still struggling to validate some of our balances which require clean data and detailed analytical work. We will also work to automate these reconciliations, but still require validation of these processes.