Thursday, March 05, 2009

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Present: Susan Pihl, Dyan Hall, Ying Kussmann, Sonja Elson

1.     Content

a.      All content will come from existing Wellness page

b.      The site will be the 'hub' for all wellness and wellness-related items

c.      Resources section to be categorized under meaningful topics

                                                  i.     Dyan referred to  Tools, Events, Resources (Categories?), and programs at UCI

d.      Some content will be same for all 3 audiences

                                                  i.     Faculty / Staff

                                                ii.     Students

                                               iii.     Retirees

e.      Main page will show content that is common to all 3 audiences

f.       Pull  images from UC Communications collection -  any image that could be interpreted as 'wellness'

g.      Requirement to add Missionstatement, Partnership info

h.      Heading for website will be Wellness

2.     Layout

a.      Main page will look like UCI home page with:

                                                  i.     Scrolling images - perhaps limit to 10 initially

                                                ii.     Spotlight - changed monthly ( Dyan to talk to Today at UCI staff)

                                               iii.     3 column

b.      3 tabs  across top -  Faculty / Staff, Students, Retirees

c.      Individual audience pages also have 3 column layout

d.      The left nav will show top level categories and have expandable menus

e.      Include 2 color options on banner

f.       All tabs will have same layout

g.      Some sub-pages may have 2 column layout

3.     Audience

a.      Agreed to complete Faculty / Staff page first

b.      Once layout  is approved, meet with Students and Retirees for their content info.

c.      Advised Wellness team to contact Kevin Ansel about creating a link to the student wellness tab in the Student Portal.

4.     Search

a.      Search is linked to Google.

5.     Timeline

a.      Deadline for Home page of Wellness site and Faculty / Staff tab is May 1

b.      Plan to showcase the site at the Wellness Fair on May 20.

6.     Recharge

a.      Ying to follow up with Marina to determine amount and report back to Susan.

7.     Action Items

a.      Dyan to provide layout of items and wording

b.      Ying to report back on recharge

c.      Apply to UC Communications for Wellness banner