Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Present: Susan Pihl, Dyan Hall, Ying Kussmann, Sonja Elson
1. Wellness site - "Landing page" - discussed the following;
Gallery (top left) options:
- If UCI gallery is used then URL points to UCI
- If certain selected pictures are used , then FLASH needs to be purchased and picture selection needs to be maintained
- Can retain UCI gallery in the interim. This will open in a new window. Ying and Sonja to tell Communications that this will be done
Center image - the following options were reviewed:
- Can choose the images form Communications initially
- Image does not have to link to article.
- If rotation of images is needed, this requires .php which AdCom prefers not to do.
- Do not need the small pics on center. It will be sufficient just to have a single static image in the Center
- The pic needs to represent all constituencies
- Could use logo as Center piece
The meeting decided to do away with the Center image at this point
Spotlight (top right) options were discussed:
- Articles used will be for Wellness and Safety
- Need to remind Communications that they should prepare pictures in sizes that will be used in Spotlight area.
Constituent Tabs (for Faculty /Staff, Students, Retirees)
- Center will change according to left nav categories
- For example, Tools on the left and then in 2 columns on the right will have a series of links related to tools, perhaps grouped in
categories for easy scanning - Different images for individual tabs
- Also intend to add videos to tabs - for example - 5 minute desk exercise for Faculty/ Staff
Action Items:
1. Dyan to send layout and category items to Sonja and Ying
2. Ying to finalize cost
, multiple selections available,