AA Active Projects

AA Active Projects

Active Projects

Sponsoring Unit



Academic Budget - Create Ad Hoc reporting modules for current system. 

Academic Budget

Henry Balanza

In Evaluation Phase for rewrite

Campus Counsel - Assess current system and improve reporting features.

Campus Council

Henry Balanza

In Planning Phase

Chancellor’s Office - Assess current system and vendor based solutions.

Chancellor's Office

Henry Balanza

In Queue

FACulty Tracking System (FACT) - Rewrite FACT database.

Academic Personnel

Henry Balanza

On Hold Pending Review Multi-Campus Development – Due Summer 2010

Academic Senate

  • Database Tracking – Expand and improve database tracking and reporting to update and incorporate new requirements.
  • Senate Manual Change Tracker – Track and maintain record of changes to Academic Senate’s Manual provided online and in PDF.
  • Senate Committee/Counsel Minutes Tracker – Maintain a searchable database to search and track Minutes Documents for Senate Counsel’s and Committee’s.
  • Chair Letters -- Enhance the Senate website with a port into the UCI blog site to handle Chair letters and allow for Senate Faculty only comments.

Academic Senate

Henry Balanza

In Development

University Ombudsman – Expand and improve current databases and reporting infrastructure to update and incorporate new requirements as specified by the Ombudsman.


Henry Balanza

In Development