CCCS Transaction Verification

CCCS Transaction Verification


CCCS can be accessed through ZotPortal › Faculty & Staff › Applications › Restricted Applications › Campus Credit Card System (CCCS).

Department Authorization Setup

The department setup can be looked up through KSAMS or through CCCS › Reports › Department Access Query. Authorization is assigned at the organization code level.

Users with CCCS access can view the reports for the org codes they have been authorized for.

Financial Services and Central Cashiers super-users are also setup to help perform any functions in case of an emergency.

Credit Card Servicer Authorize.Net Transaction Receipt

Authorize.Net is the credit card servicer for CCCS. Credit card collection and processing is outsourced to Authorize.Net

Here is a screenshot of an Authorize.Net transaction receipt email. Important fields have been highlighted.

The fields to take note are:

  1. Invoice Number - corresponds to the CCCS Transaction ID
  2. Card Holder Name
  3. Authorization Date/Time
  4. Transaction ID - Authorize.Net Transaction ID

    The CCCS transaction ID and Authorize.Net transaction ID values are different.

These can be used to cross-reference in CCCS.

CCCS Transaction Report

How to Get to CCCS Transaction Report

  1. Login to CCCS
  2. Go to "Reports" tab
    1. "Transaction Query" should be default report

CCCS Transaction Report Query Parameters

  1. Department
    1. Select appropriate organization code
  2. Transaction Date Range
    1. Defaults to within past month
    2. Adjust date range accordingly
    3. The date range must not exceed one month.

    4. Pad at least 1 or 2 days before and after the transaction date in question. For example, if the transaction date is 1/10/2015, the date range could be 1/8/2015 through 1/12/2015. This will help make finding the transaction easier (as there are nuances between the authorization date and actual settlement date).

  3. Transaction Status
    1. Defaults to "ALL"
  4. Card Holder Name
    1. Optional
    2. Partial search allowed (i.e. first name only, last name only, part of last name, etc.)
    3. Case-insensitive
  5. Card Number
    1. Optional
    2. Last four digits
  6. Program Code
    1. Optional

CCCS Transaction Report Results

  1. Action
    1. Additional actions available for line item
    2. Magnifying glass allows drilling down to details
  2. Trans ID
    1. CCCS Transaction ID
    2. System-generated sequential value
  3. Program
  4. Card Holder
  5. Type
  6. Card#
    1. Last four digits
  7. Status
      1. Transaction has been initiated
      2. No payment status recorded yet
      1. Payment session has timed out
      2. No payment status recorded
        1. User may have closed browser
      1. Transaction was successfully authorized
    5. VOIDED
      1. Authorized transaction was voided (same day cancellation)
    6. SETTLED
      1. Authorized transaction was successfully settled with the bank
    7. REFUND
      1. Settled transaction was partially or fully refunded
    8. Successful statuses are: AUTHORIZED, SETTLED.

      REFUND may be considered successful, depending on the definition. A refund was successfully authorized and settled, but money was returned to the card.

  8. Amount
  9. Input Date
    1. Date payment session was initiated
  10. Settlement
    1. Date of settlement with the bank

Reconciling Transaction Against Authorize.Net Receipt

On the transaction list result page, the following fields can be used to help identify the CCCS transaction that corresponds to the Authorize.Net transaction:

Authorize.Net FieldCCCS FieldSample Value
Invoice Number

Trans ID
(CCCS Transaction ID)

Billing Information
Card Holder
Card HolderMichele Brewster
Date/TimeWill be later than "Input Date,"
which is the payment session initiation timestamp
15-Dec-2014 10:20:43 PST

CCCS Transaction Details

After pressing the magnifying glass of the desired transaction line, the following detail screen will be displayed:

CCCS Transaction Details Fields

The CCCS transaction ID and Authorize.Net transaction ID values are different.

  1. Department
  2. Program Code
  3. Program
  4. Transaction ID
    1. CCCS Transaction ID
  5. Transaction Status
  6. Batch ID
  7. Gateway Unique ID
    1. Department storefront supplied value
  8. Servicer Transaction ID
    1. Authorize.Net transaction ID
  9. Input By
  10. Input Date
  11. Settlement Date
  12. Card Holder Name
  13. Card Type
  14. Card Number
  15. Amount
  16. Authorization Number
  17. Authorization Date
  18. Account Distribution
    1. Ledger distribution

Reconciling Transaction Details Against Authorize.Net Receipt

On the transaction details page, the following fields can be used to help further identify the corresponding Authorize.Net transaction:

Authorize.Net FieldCCCS FieldSample ValueComments

Gateway Unique ID

rgs_ogsa_transaction_239630Value supplied by department storefront. Should be meaningful to individual department.
Transaction IDServicer Transaction ID6759257154