Cognos Report Development Options

Cognos Report Development Options

AreaOption NoOptionDescriptionDevelopment EffortsETL RequirementDeveloper ComplexityUser ComplexityPerformanceSecurityMaintenance EffortsSlowly Changing Dimension Support
Report Creation           
 1Cognos Tool:  Workspace AdvancedSelf-serve BI and reporting16-40See data modelingLow.Low, if package properly vested,   designed and implementedSame as othersHigh.  Integrated with KSAMSLow. User maintains their   own.  Cognos developer maintains   package.See data modeling
 2Cognos Tool:  CAFÉSelf-serve BI and reporting16-40See data modelingLow.Low, if package properly vested,   designed and implemented, and users are proficient with ExcelSame as othersHigh.  Integrated with KSAMSLow. User maintains their   own.  Cognos developer maintains   package.See data modeling
 3Report Studio:  Canned report.  Simple with no prompts, few summaryDeveloped by Cognos developers,   execute by users.2-4 hoursSee data modelingLow.LowSame as othersHigh.  Integrated with KSAMSLowSee data modeling
 4Report Studio:  Canned report.  Medium complexity with more than 10   prompts, groupings and chartsDeveloped by Cognos developers,   execute by users.20-40 hrsSee data modelingLow.LowSame as othersHigh.  Integrated with KSAMSLowSee data modeling
 5Report Studio:  Canned report.  High complexity with more than 10 prompts,   groupings and charts, dynamic columns and sort selection (GL Transaction and Summary)Developed by Cognos developers,   execute by users. 40-160 hrsSee data modelingLow.LowSame as othersHigh.  Integrated with KSAMSLowSee data modeling
 6Cognos Application (GL Adhocs)Cognos Workspace Advanced replacementWeeks-Months,  see estimate worksheet belowSee data modelingLow.LowSame as othersHigh.  Integrated with KSAMSLowSee data modeling


Estimate Worksheet


Report Development      
 1Filter criteria CountUnit HrsTotal Hrs
     How many are text   
     How many are check boxes   
     How many are dates   
     How many are drop down   
     How many are search & select   
 2Output options    
     Default columns:  what are they   
     Selectable columns?  Yes-> how many   
     Sort-table columns?  Yes-> how many   
 3Drill down?    
     How many? To existing or new reports?   
 4Dynamic Grouping:    
   How many levels?   
   How many different columns?   
 5Dynamic Sub-Total    
   How many different columns?   
 6Save query?    
Project Management   CountUnit HrsTotal Hrs
  Requirement Spec    
  Functional Spec    
  Test Specs    
  SN Project    
  Meeting/Project Updates    

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