Introduction to Report Studio

Introduction to Report Studio

The following agenda is used for the Cognos Developer Training Session.  For more in depth information on IBM Cognos Report Studio please download the PDF attachment of the User Guide.

  Cognos Report Studio User Guide PDF

  1. Introduction

    1. What is Cognos Business Intelligence? (IBM Cognos products)
    2. What is Report Studio?
    3. Logging into Cognos Connection
    4. Navigating “Public Folders”

  2. Understanding Report Studio

    1. User Interface
    2.  Report Layout Queries
     Report Layout Queries
      1. Pages: {Header, Body, Footer}
      2. Objects: {List, Crosstab, Table, Text Box, Block}
      3. Objects as Containers: {Tables, Blocks, Nested}
      4. Hierarchy of Objects: {List > List Columns > Text Item}
      5. Finding Objects in a Report
  3. Create Simple Report
    1. Choose package
    2. Choose basic report layout
    3. Add data
    4. Validate/save/run report
    5. Set PDF Page options
  4. Create a List Report
    1. Filters
    2. Sort
    3. Grouping
    4. Sectioning


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