OIT VMware Access Information
OIT's VMWare vShere service utilizes the campus' centralized authorization (KSAMS) and authentication systems (UCINetID/LDAP) for access. OIT DCI does not provision this access and is intended to be a self-service process.
KSAMS action items
KSAMS roles are used to provide authorization or permissions within vCenter. vCenter permissions are granted to members of LDAP groups that are automatically populated from KSAMS roles. Even an individual who needs vCenter permissions on a single VM needs to have a KSAMS role to get those permissions. KSAMS roles usually come in pairs; one role is used for the permissions, and another to approve memberships to the permission role. Figure A shows the list of these Roles as they appear in KSAMS.
- Via KSAMS ZotPortal App, request the Approver role for those who will approve the "Admin" role to those needing vCenter access to VMs. Generally, a manager and director would have Approver roles. OIT recommends having 2 or more Approvers. Approvers do NOT gain access to VMs.
- After the Approver role is set up, direct everyone requiring vCenter access to VMs to the KSAMS ZotPortal App to request the "Admin" role.
- NOTE: Requests for "Admin" roles submitted before the corresponding group's "Approver" request is completed will result in KSAMS ERRORS so please make sure at least one Approver is set up before adding Admins.
- For simplicity and expediency, all users will initially be assigned permissions per Figure B for their designated group of VMs. We welcome input for other permission levels, as well as different user groupings going forward.
KSAMS example:
- OIT's Data Center Infrastructure team uses the "vCenter - OIT vSphere Admins" and "vCenter - OIT vSphere Admins Approvers" roles.
- Using the KSAMS ZotPortal App, a request was made to add Ken Cooper and Brian Buckler to the "vCenter - OIT vSphere Admins Approvers" role.
- Each team member requested the "vCenter - OIT vSphere Admins" role.
- Ken approved each request using the app.
- vCenter access was granted.
DUO action items
Make sure all users requiring vCenter VM access have a DUO token set up through the DUO Enrollment App
vCenter Login Procedure
Can be found at New OIT VMware vCenter Login Procedure
Fig. A: KSAMS Roles
KSAMS Role Name | KSAMS Approver Role Name | Identified Contact |
vCenter - Arts Admins | vCenter - Arts Admins Approvers | Jason Valdry / Adalid Aguilar |
vCenter - Bio Sci Admins | vCenter - Bio Sci Admins Approvers | Eric Sanchez / Matthew Martinez |
vCenter - CALIT2 Admins | vCenter - CALIT2 Admins Approvers | (Nobody) |
vCenter - Education Admins | vCenter - Education Admins Approvers | Hyuk Kang |
vCenter - Engineering Admins | vCenter - Engineering Admins Approvers | John Romine / Dan Melzer |
vCenter - Humanities Admins | vCenter - Humanities Admins Approvers | (Nobody) |
vCenter - Informatics Admins | vCenter - Informatics Admins Approvers | (Nobody) |
vCenter - Integrated Nanosystem Research Facility Admins Approvers | Paul Bautista / Marc Palazzo | |
vCenter - Law School Admins | vCenter - Law School Admins Approvers | Patty Furukawa / Joe Macavinta |
vCenter - Library Admins | vCenter - Library Admins Approvers | (Nobody) |
vCenter - OIT Academic Affairs Admins | vCenter - OIT Academic Affairs Admins Approvers | Max Garrick / Albert Chi |
vCenter - OIT Athletics IT Admins | vCenter - OIT Athletics IT Admins Approvers | Tri Tran |
vCenter - OIT AWT Admins | vCenter - OIT AWT Admins Approvers | (Nobody) |
vCenter - OIT Business Intelligence Admins | vCenter - OIT Business Intelligence Admins Approvers | Larry Coon / Valerie Jones |
vCenter - OIT Database Admins | vCenter - OIT Database Admins Approvers | Deanna McMurray / Marina Arseniev |
vCenter - OIT eDocs Admins | vCenter - OIT eDocs Admins Approvers | Linh Nguyen / Robert Gallegos |
vCenter - OIT EUS Admins | vCenter - OIT EUS Admins Approvers | Kyle Kurr /David Severance |
vCenter - OIT Financial Svc Admins | vCenter - OIT Financial Svc Admins Approvers | James Hsu |
vCenter - OIT Graduate Division Admins | vCenter - OIT Graduate Division Admins Approvers | James Tang |
vCenter - OIT IAM Admins Approvers | Josh Drummond / Warren Leung / Dana Watanabe | |
vCenter - OIT ILCS Admins | vCenter - OIT ILCS Admins Approvers | Derrek Gabagat |
vCenter - OIT MAI Admins | vCenter - OIT MAI Admins Approvers | Jason Lin / Brian Craft |
vCenter - OIT Network Engineer Admins | vCenter - OIT Network Engineer Admins Approvers | Albert Gonzalez / Bjorn Juslin |
vCenter - OIT Office of Research Admins | vCenter - OIT Office of Research Admins Approvers | Noah Margolis / Eric Taggart |
vCenter - OIT Parking and Distribution Admins | vCenter - OIT Parking and Distribution Admins Approvers | Clint Maruki / Matthew Lorenzo |
vCenter - OIT Production and Operations Management Admins | vCenter - OIT Production and Operations Management Admins Approvers | Michael Story |
vCenter - QA Admins | vCenter - QA Admins Approvers | Michael Story / Jason Lin / Thomas Bindewald |
vCenter - OIT Security Admins | vCenter - OIT Security Admins Approvers | Josh Drummond / Paul Kang |
vCenter - OIT Specialized Desktop Support Admins | vCenter - OIT Specialized Desktop Support Admins Approvers | Sarkis Daglian / Jeremy Paje |
vCenter - OIT Standard Desktop Support Admins | vCenter - OIT Standard Desktop Support Admins Approvers | Jeremy Paje |
vCenter - OIT vSphere Admins | vCenter - OIT vSphere Admins Approvers | Ken Cooper / Henry Jenkins |
vCenter - OIT WSG Admins | vCenter - OIT WSG Admins Approvers | Heindrick Yu |
vCenter - Social Ecology Admins | vCenter - Social Ecology Admins Approvers | Jennifer Lane |
vCenter - Social Science Admins | vCenter - Social Science Admins Approvers | Jonathan Nilsson / Andrew Hill / Dominic Fiorello |
vCenter - Strategic Comm Admins | vCenter - Strategic Comm Admins Approvers | Jim Kreuziger / Todd McGill |
vCenter - VCSA Admins | vCenter - VCSA Admins Approvers | Wayne Fields / Steven Tajiri |
vCenter - Applied Innovation Admins | vCenter - Applied Innovation Admins Approvers | Marek Mandau |
vCenter - OIT Facilities Mgmt Admins | vCenter - OIT Facilities Mgmt Admins Approvers | Jyoti Razdan |
vCenter - WHCS Admins | vCenter - WHCS Admins Approvers | Jerome Reuter / Herbert Chan |
vCenter - Read Only Users | vCenter - OIT vSphere Admins | DCI Team |
vCenter - OIT OVPTL Admins | vCenter - OIT OVPTL Admins Approvers | Brian Lance / Jeremy Thacker |
vCenter - Physiology Admins | vCenter - Physiology Admins Approvers | Rie Nakajima / Aarti Jain/ Gildas Cadin |
vCenter - OIT Research Cyberinfrastructure Center Admins | vCenter - OIT Research Cyberinfrastructure Center Aprovers | Phil Papadopoulos |
Fig. B: VM Permissions
Initially, all assigned users will have the set of permissions listed below:
- Cryptographic Operations
- Direct Access (allows console access to vTPM enabled VMs)
- Encrypt (allows console power on/off vTPM enabled VMs)
- Encrypt new (allows console power on/off vTPM enabled VMs)
- Register VM (allows console power on/off vTPM enabled VMs)
- Virtual Machine
- Configuration
- Modify Device Settings
- Settings
- Upgrade virtual machine compatibility
- Interaction
- Answer Questions
- Configure CD Media
- Console Interaction
- Device Connection (NICs and removable media)
- Power On
- Power Off
- Reset
- VMware Tools Install
- Snapshot Management
- Create Snapshot
- Remove Snapshot
- Rename Snapshot
- Revert Snapshot
- Configuration
- Folder (This will only work on the sub-folders of where the role is assigned.)
- Create
- Delete
- Rename
- Move
- Datastore (This is only to facilitate mounting ISO images from the shared ISO repository)
- Browse datastore
- Low level file operation
- Cryptographic Operations
Fig. C: VM Tag data
PaaS Owner (Platform as a Service Owner) UCInetID of user or group responsible for OS tasks. This UCInetID will be contacted for low-level changes such as disk space changes, VMWare Tools upgrades, etc. |
Data Owner UCInetID of user or group responsible for app/data. This UCInetID will be contacted for (un)scheduled interruptions or other changes interrupting access to VM's data. |
Purpose The VM’s primary purpose. These are tags in existence in ServiceNow and may be expanded. |
Protection Level The VM protection level represents the level of security protection needed for Institutional Information or an IT Resource. Definitions can be found at https://www.security.uci.edu/program/classification/ |
Availability Level The VM availability represents the business impact a disruption in the resource's availability has. This is used to determine the level of disaster recoverability, as well as the priority level of VM restart when there are infrastructure failures (via vSphere HA). |
vm_Backup_Job The VM's Veeam backup job. |