Health Care ISO Job Description

Health Care ISO Job Description

Roles and Responsibilities of an
Information Security Officer
Purpose: On behalf of the _____________ County Hea
lth Department, the Security Officer (SO)
will serve as the focal point for security comp
liance related act
ivities and res
ponsibilities as
listed below. The SO is generally responsi
ble for obtaining or developing the Health
Departments policies and procedures for
submission to the Board of Health for
approval/adoption. The SO is also responsible for
maintaining the health department policies and
procedures, reviewing the conduct
of those assigned to specific
security duties, as well as
administering the reviews relating
to the over all secur
ity program. The SO is
also responsible
for ensuring that educational programs are conducte
d to enhance the general security awareness.
The SO serves as a resource regarding matte
rs of information secu
rity and reports the
status of ongoing information security ac
tivities to the desi
gnated person(s).
1. Lead in the development/adoption and enfo
rcement of Information Security policies,
procedures and standards. Conduct and co
mplete an annual review of required HIPAA
regulations and reports.
2. Maintain the Agency’s Security Policies. Th
ese are formal policies that detail and document
actual mechanisms and controls and s
hould include at least the following:
Administrative: Risk analysis and ma
nagement, documentation management and
controls, information access controls and sanctions for failure to comply.
Personnel Security: Personnel only have access
to the sensitive information for which
they have appropriate
authority and clearance.
Physical Safeguards: Assign security res
ponsibilities, control access to media and the
controls in place against unauthorized access
to workstations and related equipment.
Technical Security: Set the acc
ess and authorization controls
for everyday operations as
well as emergency procedures for data.
Transmission security: Set the standards for
access controls, audit trails, event reporting,
encryption and integrity controls.
3. Maintain the
Security Procedures that include:
Evaluation and compliance with security measures.
Disaster Recovery and Emer
gency operating procedures.
Security Incident Response and process pr
otocols including Inci
dent Reporting and
Testing of security procedur
es, mechanisms and measures.
4. Maintain appropriate
security measures and mechanisms to
guard against unauthorized access
to electronically stored and /or transmitted patient data and protect against reasonably anticipated
threats and hazards.
5. Oversee and/or assist in performing on-going
security monitoring of organization information
systems including:
Assess information security risk periodically.
Conduct functionality and gap analyses to de
termine the extent to which key business
areas and infrastructure comply with
statutory and regulat
ory requirements.
Evaluate and recommend new information se
curity technologies and counter-measures
against threats to information or privacy.
6. Ensure compliance through adeq
uate training programs and peri
odic security
audits. These
audits should be both intern
al and external in nature.