Kuali Website Move to Sites Mode in CMS
e-mail sent on 12/12/2011
Copied: Katya Sadovsky, Barbara Inderwieche, Shae Chiandet
Hi Eric and Carmen:
At present websites are being converted from the Global mode to the Sites mode when there is an update or redesign. The plan is to move all websites to the Sites model as time permits. However, if there is an urgent need to convert a website over, the process includes the submission of an enhancement request so that time can be allocated.
The Kuali website (in Global mode) is pretty granular in terms of who has access to which piece of documentation. The Sites model does help in defining that, but more importantly provides only a view of the site itself without confusing editors with the display of other sites, for example, 'Campus Templates".
Hope this helps! Please let me know if you'd like to have an enhancement request prepared for the conversion.
~ Sonja