Cancel a Contract

Cancel a Contract

(warning) There is no approval process for cancelling a contract, and cancellations are final. Make sure that a cancellation is approved by the individual responsible for the contract before submitting.(warning)


To completely make a currently active contract inactive, without the possibility for future extensions or renewals, it needs to be canceled so that the contract State changes to Cancelled. This guide assumed that the vendor has already been communicated with and a cancellation agreed upon. After cancelling a contract, the following actions happen:

  • The contract State changes to Canceled.
  • Condition checkers are changed to inactive (no more updating of contract states based on the start and end dates).
  • Renew and Extend buttons become inactive.
  • Contract rate cards become inactive.

Use the guide below to cancel an existing contract.

Conditions for Cancellations

  • Contract State must be Active.

Cancel a Contract

  1. Navigate to the contract to be canceled.

  2. Click the Cancel Contract button at the upper right-hand corner of the content frame.

  3. Click Yes to confirm contract cancellation. The contract State will change to Cancelled.

Revision History

Revised ByRevised DateApproved ByApproved DateComments


Initial draft.



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