Contract Fields

Contract Fields



Provides a list of changes to the contract information.

Appendix DSSpecifies a Supplier's cybersecurity and risk management responsibilities when a Supplier has access to institutional information and/or IT resources. Appendix DS is an appendix to the standard UC Purchasing Agreement.
Application modelApplication model associated with the contract.

Approval history

Provides a list of approvals and rejections for the contract.


The person who approves or rejects the contract. This is typically the director of the OIT division responsible for the contract.

Automatically renew/extend

Indicates whether or not the contract can be renewed at the end of its term.

BO analyst

Business Office analyst overseeing the contract.

Business Associate Agreement (BAA)An agreement between a healthcare provider and a Supplier when the Supplier might receive access to Protected Health Information (PHI). Appendix BAA is made part of agreements between UC and the Supplier, including the standard UC Purchasing Agreement.


General information and comments relating to the contract.


Amount committed to spend with this vendor during this time period, from the start to the end of the contract.

Contract administrator

Individual who works for the vendor and is responsible for managing the contract.

Contract model

Model to which the contract is assigned. Refer to the Contract Models table.

Contract number

Number assigned to the contract by the vendor.

Cost adjustment amount

Numerical increase or decrease in price of contract. To indicate a decrease in price, enter a negative number. Either a Cost adjustment or Cost adjustment percentage can be specified, but not both.

Cost adjustment percentage

Percentage increase or decrease in price of contract. To indicate a decrease in price, enter a negative percentage. Either a Cost adjustment or Cost adjustment percentage can be specified, but not both.

Cost adjustment type

Type of cost adjustment applied to the contract: Fixed, Manual, or CPI (consumer price index).

Cost center

Cost center (division or team) that is financially responsible for the asset.


Detailed description of the contract.

DiscountDiscount vendor has agreed to provide.
DivisionOIT division responsible for managing the contract.

Effective tax rate

Effective tax rate to apply to the total cost, if applicable. Effective tax rate is usually the average tax rate charged.


Date on which the contract expires. Leave the end date blank to create an open-ended contract. This field is mandatory if the contract model is Purchase Agreement or NDA.

Funding source

Code or name indicating the source of the funds for the contract.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)Included in contracts where UC's Suppliers will be collecting, accessing, storing, or using personal information of individuals located in the European Economic Area 1 (EEA) in the performance of their Services to UC. Appendix GDPR is made part of the agreements between UC and the Supplier, including the standard UC Purchasing Agreement.

Has rate card

Check box to indicate whether the contract has an associated rate card.

Hosting type

The hosting type of the contract is selected from the following:

  • Supplier Cloud - software hosted by a vendor or Saas software.
  • UCI Cloud - software hosted by UCI on a cloud platform such as AWS or off UCI premises.
  • On Premises - software running on machines located on UCI property.
  • Hybrid - components run in the cloud as well as on premises.

Invoice payment terms

Terms that explain how to pay the contract. For example, Net Monthly Account or Net 30.

KFS number

KFS account number associated with the contract.


Location covered by the contract.


Unique number identifying the contract record. This number is supplied by the system when the contract is saved and cannot be changed.


Duration of the contract renewal or extension. For example, 1 year.

Payment amount

Amount which has been paid on the contract to date.

Payment schedule

Schedule that defines when to make payments. For example, Monthly or Annually.

PO number

Purchase order number assigned to the contract.

Renewal/extension contact

Individual who works for the vendor and is responsible for renewing the contract.

Renewal/extension date

Date on which the contract renewal or extension takes effect.

Renewal/extension end date

Date on which the contract renewal or extension ends.

Renewed AnnuallyIndicates whether or not the contract renews annually.

Sales tax

Indicates whether or not sales tax is applied to the total cost.

Short DescriptionBrief (100 characters or less) description of the contract. Use the Description and Comments fields to provide more detailed information.


Date on which the contract takes effect. This field is mandatory if the contract model is Purchase Agreement or NDA.


Current state of the contract. Refer to the Contract States table.


Current substate of the contract. Refer to the Contract Substates table.

Tax cost

Total cost of the tax.

Tax exempt

Indicates whether or not the contract is exempt from tax.

Total cost

Final cost of the contract after adjustments have been applied. If a contract has one or more rate cards, this field shows the combined value of all rate cards.


Vendor responsible for the contract. This field is mandatory when the contract model selected is NDA or Purchase Agreement.

Vendor account

Vendor account associated with the contract.

Revision History

Revised ByRevised DateApproved ByApproved DateComments

TBDTBDInitial draft.



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