Contract Fields
Michael Anthony Waara
Field | Description |
Activity | Provides a list of changes to the contract information. |
Appendix DS | Specifies a Supplier's cybersecurity and risk management responsibilities when a Supplier has access to institutional information and/or IT resources. Appendix DS is an appendix to the standard UC Purchasing Agreement. |
Application model | Application model associated with the contract. |
Approval history | Provides a list of approvals and rejections for the contract. |
Approver | The person who approves or rejects the contract. This is typically the director of the OIT division responsible for the contract. |
Automatically renew/extend | Indicates whether or not the contract can be renewed at the end of its term. |
BO analyst | Business Office analyst overseeing the contract. |
Business Associate Agreement (BAA) | An agreement between a healthcare provider and a Supplier when the Supplier might receive access to Protected Health Information (PHI). Appendix BAA is made part of agreements between UC and the Supplier, including the standard UC Purchasing Agreement. |
Comments | General information and comments relating to the contract. |
Commitment | Amount committed to spend with this vendor during this time period, from the start to the end of the contract. |
Contract administrator | Individual who works for the vendor and is responsible for managing the contract. |
Contract model | Model to which the contract is assigned. Refer to the Contract Models table. |
Contract number | Number assigned to the contract by the vendor. |
Cost adjustment amount | Numerical increase or decrease in price of contract. To indicate a decrease in price, enter a negative number. Either a Cost adjustment or Cost adjustment percentage can be specified, but not both. |
Cost adjustment percentage | Percentage increase or decrease in price of contract. To indicate a decrease in price, enter a negative percentage. Either a Cost adjustment or Cost adjustment percentage can be specified, but not both. |
Cost adjustment type | Type of cost adjustment applied to the contract: Fixed, Manual, or CPI (consumer price index). |
Cost center | Cost center (division or team) that is financially responsible for the asset. |
Description | Detailed description of the contract. |
Discount | Discount vendor has agreed to provide. |
Division | OIT division responsible for managing the contract. |
Effective tax rate | Effective tax rate to apply to the total cost, if applicable. Effective tax rate is usually the average tax rate charged. |
Ends | Date on which the contract expires. Leave the end date blank to create an open-ended contract. This field is mandatory if the contract model is Purchase Agreement or NDA. |
Funding source | Code or name indicating the source of the funds for the contract. |
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) | Included in contracts where UC's Suppliers will be collecting, accessing, storing, or using personal information of individuals located in the European Economic Area 1 (EEA) in the performance of their Services to UC. Appendix GDPR is made part of the agreements between UC and the Supplier, including the standard UC Purchasing Agreement. |
Has rate card | Check box to indicate whether the contract has an associated rate card. |
Hosting type | The hosting type of the contract is selected from the following:
Invoice payment terms | Terms that explain how to pay the contract. For example, Net Monthly Account or Net 30. |
KFS number | KFS account number associated with the contract. |
Location | Location covered by the contract. |
Number | Unique number identifying the contract record. This number is supplied by the system when the contract is saved and cannot be changed. |
Options | Duration of the contract renewal or extension. For example, 1 year. |
Payment amount | Amount which has been paid on the contract to date. |
Payment schedule | Schedule that defines when to make payments. For example, Monthly or Annually. |
PO number | Purchase order number assigned to the contract. |
Renewal/extension contact | Individual who works for the vendor and is responsible for renewing the contract. |
Renewal/extension date | Date on which the contract renewal or extension takes effect. |
Renewal/extension end date | Date on which the contract renewal or extension ends. |
Renewed Annually | Indicates whether or not the contract renews annually. |
Sales tax | Indicates whether or not sales tax is applied to the total cost. |
Short Description | Brief (100 characters or less) description of the contract. Use the Description and Comments fields to provide more detailed information. |
Starts | Date on which the contract takes effect. This field is mandatory if the contract model is Purchase Agreement or NDA. |
State | Current state of the contract. Refer to the Contract States table. |
Substate | Current substate of the contract. Refer to the Contract Substates table. |
Tax cost | Total cost of the tax. |
Tax exempt | Indicates whether or not the contract is exempt from tax. |
Total cost | Final cost of the contract after adjustments have been applied. If a contract has one or more rate cards, this field shows the combined value of all rate cards. |
Vendor | Vendor responsible for the contract. This field is mandatory when the contract model selected is NDA or Purchase Agreement. |
Vendor account | Vendor account associated with the contract. |
Revision History
Revised By | Revised Date | Approved By | Approved Date | Comments |
TBD | TBD | Initial draft. |