Contract Substates

Contract Substates

Awaiting ReviewContract information is being updated, but has not yet been submitted for review.
Under ReviewContract information sent to the approver and the approver is reviewing the contract.

Contract with a State of Draft reviewed and accepted by the approver.

RejectedContract with a State of Draft reviewed and declined by the approver.
Renewal ApprovedContract with a State of Active or Expired reviewed and accepted by the approver, but has not reached the specified renewal Start Date yet.
Renewal RejectedContract with a State of Active or Expired reviewed and declined by the approver.
Extension ApprovedContract with a State of Active or Expired reviewed and accepted by the approver, but has not reached the contract's End Date yet.
Extension RejectedContract with a State of Active or Expired reviewed and declined by the approver.
NoneNo substate is specified.

For more information on Contract States, take a look at the Contract States table.

Revision History

Revised ByRevised DateApproved ByApproved DateComments

TBDTBDInitial draft.

