Impact: Accessing the template

Impact: Accessing the template

What you need

To use the template you’ll need two things:

  1. First you’ll need a Cascade account which will allow you to log into the Cascade content management system.

  2. Second, you’ll need access to the email template within Cascade.

Just having a Cascade account does not automatically grant you access to the template.

Getting there

Once you’re logged into Cascade, navigate to the UCI Email Templates site using the site selector in the upper-left of the screen.

Cascade sjte selector


Cascade site selector dropdown


What you’ll find


Cascade asset tree

The asset tree on the left lists all the folders you have access to. Use these folders to store and organize you message assets. You’re welcome to create subfolders within each of these if you prefer more granular organization.

The _img folder contains a shared image library that all template users have view-only access to. You’re welcome to use the images here in you messages.


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