Media logo app

Media logo app

Creating new logos

Variations and sizes

Each logo will have eight files associated with it, one for each variation in each size:

  • Variations

    • “Dark” - light grayscale lettering (mostly white) on black background

      Dark variation example
    • “Light” - dark grayscale lettering (mostly black) on white background

      Light variation example
  • Sizes

    • 960x540

    • 720x405

    • 480x270

    • 240x135

  • Format

    • png only

    • Use the highest compression available

    • Do not include an alpha (transparency) channel

File naming

Logo files are named according to the following convention:

[publication name]-[variation]-[dimensions]

Publication name

  • All lower case, spaces represented with underscores. Ex: “ABA Journal” would appear in the file name as “aba_journal”.

  • Leading “The”s or “A”s are removed. Ex: “The New York Times” would appear in the file name as “new_york_times”.

  • Remove all punctuation (apostrophes, hyphens, etc.). Ex: “Becker’s Health IT” becomes “beckers_health_it”.

  • For publication names that are web addresses, replace the “.” with “dot”. Ex: “Bakersfield.com” becomes “bakersfielddotcom”.

  • Ampersands are replaced with “and”.


Either “dark” or “light”.


width x height. Ex: 960x540

Complete example

For “The New York Times”, the eight files would be named as follows:

  • new_york_times-dark-960x540.png

  • new_york_times-dark-720x405.png

  • new_york_times-dark-480x270.png

  • new_york_times-dark-240x135.png

  • new_york_times-light-960x540.png

  • new_york_times-light-720x405.png

  • new_york_times-light-480x270.png

  • new_york_times-lgiht-240x135.png

Adding logos in the app

  1. In the Cascade 8 site “SCPA Apps - Media Logos”, navigate to the “files” folder.

    Files folder in site SCPA Apps Media Logos
  2. From the “Add Content” menu, select “Folder”

    Add Content menu location
    Folder menu item
  3. Name the folder and add logo metadata. Submit.

    1. Folder Name - this should match the publication name component of the logo files (i.e., all lower case, underscores for spaces, exclude leading “The” or “A”).

    2. Title - the full, grammatically correct publication name (e.g., for The New York Times, enter “The New York Times”). Proper capitalization and spacing.

    3. Keywords - add any other terms this logo should match when using the search function.

    4. URL - enter the URL of the publication’s website. This information helps us verify correctness and current-ness of the logo.

      Folder metadata fields
  4. Navigate to your newly created folder.

  5. From the “Add Content” menu, select “File”.

    File menu item
  6. Upload your logo files. Submit.

    1. From your computer, select all logo files and drag/drop them into the Cascade window (you don’t need to do them one at a time).

    2. Ensure that Placement Folder indicates your newly created folder.

      File upload dialog
  7. Publish your newly created folder.

  8. Publish the /logos asset.

    logos asset
  9. Done!

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