Cascade: Asset naming and placement

Cascade: Asset naming and placement

Giving your asset a name

The web can be weird and temperamental. This is especially true with regard to how it handles the names of things living within it. Here’s a guide on naming your Cascade assets so that the web deities stay happy.

File Name field. Fields for naming other asset types are essentially the same.

The name provided in the File (or Page, or Folder, or …) Name field is how it will appear in URLs. You’ll want to replace the pre-filled value with something more meaningful and appropriate.

Yes, the help text for this field is awkwardly worded. Unfortunately it can’t be changed or customized. Sorry 'bout that.

A quick cheat sheet

Asset type

Special characters


Capital letters

Asset type

Special characters


Capital letters


Only dashes and underscores




Only dashes and underscores




Only dashes and underscores


Mostly no, sometimes ok.

Non-publishable assets

Only dashes and underscores



Pages and folders

Keep names to lowercase basic latin characters, numbers, dashes, and underscores only. Characters with diacritics (i.e., accents and such) are risky. Some browsers may handle uncommon characters gracefully, but results are not guaranteed.

If your page or folder name includes spaces, it best to replace those with dashes. Underscores technically work to, but in some scenarios aren’t as readable as dashes (think underlined names).


Generally the rules that apply to pages and folders also apply to files. However, some file types are best served with camel casing – beginning each word in a name, except the first, with a capital letter.

// camel casing example myFileName.js

The use of camel casing is generally a file naming convention used by programmers / developers, so if you don’t normally do it, don’t start…. just stick to the rules for pages and folders.

All non-publishable assets

Anything that exclusively lives in Cascade and is never published to the web, including non-publishable files and folders, can safely have nice human-readable names….

  • Spaces? Ok!

  • Capital letters? Sounds great!

  • Special characters? Woah, let’s not get crazy here. (That’s a no.)

Giving your asset a home

Use the folder chooser to select where in Cascade you want your asset to be located.

The location indicated here defaults to whatever Cascade folder you’re currently in. That may not be where you want the asset to be actually located in Cascade, so be sure to check this and change the location as desired.

Placing an asset such as a page, file, or folder inside a non-publishable folder will make the placed asset non-publishable too.


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