Impact Email Template

Impact Email Template


This template is…

  • Used to generate html documents for the use with email distribution systems such as ZotMail.

The template is not / does not / will not…

  • An email distribution system.

  • An email archive system.

  • A file storage platform.

Do not use the Cascade email template for long-term or large file storage. If you message links to documents such as pdf files, please host those on your main website.

What is Impact all about?

Impact is the name of this email design generation. Naming the design enables us to talk about it as distinct and different from earlier (and future) design generations.

Impact was chosen because it captures the essence, aspirations and theme of the design language and visual identity.

Let’s get started

  1. Accessing the template

  2. Creating a new message

  3. Preview text

  4. Message anatomy

  5. Top bar

  6. Hero image

  7. Lead-in

  8. Message body

  9. Footer

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