Impact: Hero image

Impact: Hero image

Hero image example


The hero image is the leading image or graphic for your message. It is displayed full-width without gutters on the left or right sides. Including a hero image is optional; not all messages benefit from having one.

Including a hero image

Include hero data definition


What this means

What this triggers


What this means

What this triggers


A hero image will be included in the message.

Causes the File and Alternative text Data Definition fields to display.


A hero image will not be included in the message.


Choosing the image file

Hero file chooser data definition

Use the file chooser to select your desired hero image.

The hero image must be exactly 680 pixels wide. Using images that are wider or narrower than 680px will cause the message to display incorrectly.

Adding alt text

Hero alt text data definition

Add alternative text (aka alt text) to help screen reader users understand the connection between the image and the message content.


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