Grouper group definitions
Top group- University of California, Irvine (ldap org)
Affliliation - Active Student (Undergrad, Grad, Medical, MBA), Active Employee (Staff, Faculty), Guest (future subtypes), Group, Retiree, Former Student
Employee Status (Active, Separated, Leave without pay, etc maybe tie into above affiliation)
Employee Title Codes
Employee Recently Hired (dynamic based on hire date)
FS Hierarchy- (Loc, Org, Div, SubDiv, Dept) (Account/Fund?)
Payroll Hierarchy- Home Departments (nested)
Home Department- (Control Point, Home Dept)
Academic hierarchy (how does this break down to subgroups? school, dept, program?)
Student majors/minors
Financial Aid types
Supervisor hierarchy (not formally defined)
Student clubs (CIA, cheer, greek, etc)
Disabled Student
Enrolled Courses (each term having its own parent group)
Student Honors Program
Student Board member status
Student Athlete (red shirt, freshman, injured, etc)
Roles? (Payroll coordinator, budget coordinator, etc) -- these could be self-subscribed groups
* in general, there will be a need for self-subscribed groups