Update a Case

Update a Case


Follow the below instructions to process a case, create necessary case tasks, and take the case to completion.

Update a Case

  1. Follow the View Cases Assigned to Me guide to navigate to your assigned cases, and select the case record to update.

  2. Once on the case record, verify that all current field information is correct and sufficient.
  3. Click Start Work at the top right of the screen. This changes the Case State from Assigned to Work in Progress.

  4. Follow the instructions on the Create a Case Task guide to create an initial case task for the reported person.

  5. Complete the initial case task work by following the Complete a Case Task guide. This includes the actual work to survey the reported person, as well as following the Identify and Add Exposed Contacts to a Case guide to add exposed contacts to a case.

  6. For each individual that is now a part of the Exposed Contacts list, a Case Task must be created and assigned to whoever will follow up. Follow the Create a Case Task guide to create a task for each exposed contact.

  7. Each Case Task must be completed before moving forward, so follow the Complete a Case Task guide for each task before continuing.
  8. Once each Case Task has been completed, and closed, the original case can be closed. Follow the Close a Case guide to close the original case record.

Revision History

Revised ByRevised DateApproved ByApproved DateComments

TBDTBDInitial draft.
Anusha Kethineni (Unlicensed) 

Updated the page with new UI screenshots



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