- In the Filter navigator, enter "Change".
Under the Change tab, click on Create New.

Select a value from the dropdown for the Category field.

Enter a value into the Configuration Item reference field.

Select values for the Priority, Risk, and Impact fields. (Reference the OIT Change Management 2.0 Policy for definitions).

Select a value for the Type dropdown. (Reference the OIT Change Management 2.0 Policy for definitions).

Fill in values for Assignment group, Assigned To, and check the checkboxes Central QA Required if applicable.
Note: Assign the change request record to your team, not OIT Production Control or P/OM.
If the change is routine, you can uncheck the Approval Required box.

Enter a short description for the change in the Short Description field and and longer, more detailed description in the Description field. This should be high-level, non-technical information.
Enter the hosts that will be affected by the change in the Affected Host(s) field. If none, write "None" into the field.

Under these fields, click on the Schedule tab.

Select the Planned start date and Planned end date for the change.

- Enter the duration of the outage (downtime) caused by implementing the change in the Duration field.

- Click on the Planning tab.

- The following fields are required to be filled out for Comprehensive changes only:
- Change Plan - Describe how the change will be implemented.
- Communication Plan - Describe how the product stakeholders were made aware of the change.
- Test Plan - Describe how the change was tested prior to the deployment.
- Backout Plan - Describe how the change will be reversed if there is a problem with the deployment.
- HD Planned Maintenance Announcement - Selecting "Yes" will reveal a text box, where you can provide a draft of the Maintenance Announcement that you wish to have posted on the OIT Home Page (www.oit.uci.edu). When the Change Request is submitted, this feature will automatically submit a request to the Web Content Assignment Group. They will coordinate and complete the Announcement Posting.

- Click on the High Risk Addendum tab.

- Fill in the What might break as a result of this change? field. (Entering "None" or "N/A" is acceptable).
- Fill in the Validation Steps Taken field.
- Fill in the Steps Taken to Minimize Risk field. (Entering "Low Risk" or "N/A" is acceptable).

- Click the Submit button at the top right of the content frame to submit your change request.