Aldrich: Working with pages

Aldrich: Working with pages

Creating pages

Create a new page by selecting Page from the Add Content menu.

There are a number of options with pages that are meant to suit various use cases. We’ll walk through each of them here.

Page name and placement

page name and placement fields

Standard Cascade stuff here.

Page title and description

title and description metadata fields

The page title should be “human readable” with proper capitalization, word spacing, etc. It is displayed in the following places:

Descriptions aren’t required, but are recommended to enhance SEO (i.e., search engine results rankings). They should be no longer than a couple sentences.

Other metadata

There are a few other metadata fields you may find useful. You can find them by clicking on the Metadata tab in the editing interface.

All fields here are optional and can be safely left blank.

Author and Publication date

If you create any customizations that involve page indexing, these files may come in useful for displaying and sorting your index results.

These two field values are also used in the page heading in certain circumstances.

Canonical URL

If your page replicates content from another page, you may want to provide the URL of the other page here for SEO purposes.

To be continued….

→ Next: Page settings


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