Aldrich: Page layout options

Aldrich: Page layout options

layout data definition group

The Layout Data Definition group is collapsed by default. Expand this to access your page layout options. Most of these toggle on/off their respective page region.

→ Details: Page anatomy


You can place up to two announcements in the Announcement region.

announcements region with one announcement
announcements region with two announcements

Including announcements

include announcements data definition field


What this means

What this triggers


What this means

What this triggers


The Announcements region will be displayed on the page.

Causes the Announcement widget Data Definition field to display.


The Announcements region will not be displayed on the page.


Selecting announcement widgets

announcements widget data definition field

Choose the widget you want to display in the Announcements region.

→ Details: Announcement widget

You can display up to two widgets in the Announcements region.

→ Details: Proliferating Data Definition items

Selecting any block type other than an announcement widget will result in a warning displayed in the Cascade preview. In this case, the block content will not be included in the published page.

Secondary nav

A secondary navigation can be displayed to the left of the main content.

Including a secondary navigation

include secondary navigation data definition field


What this mean

What this triggers


What this mean

What this triggers


The Secondary Navigation region will be displayed on the page.

Causes the Link list widget Data Definition field to display.


The Secondary Navigation region will not be displayed on the page.


Selecting a widget for the secondary nav

link list widget data definition field

Choose the link list widget you want to use as the secondary navigation.

→ Details: Link List widget

Selecting any block type other than a link list widget will result in a warning displayed in the Cascade preview. In this case, the block content will not be included in the published page.

Main content

Options here affect the layout of the main content. So far, there’s just the one….

Padding the main content

add padding data definition field


What this means

What this triggers


What this means

What this triggers


Padding above and below will be added.



Padding above and below the main content will not be added.


By default, padding is added above and below the main content.

padding added above main content

However, if you apply a custom background color to the first (or last) content group or use a layout block there that fills that area with a non-white color, the padding may be undesirable.

padding applied above a colorized content group

In these cases, removing the padding may be preferable.

padding removed above main content


A sidebar can be displayed to the right of the main content. The sidebar can contain any number of widgets of any type.

Including a sidebar

include sidebar data definition field


What this means

What this triggers


What this means

What this triggers


A sidebar will displayed on the page.

Causes the Widget Data Definition field to display.


A sidebar will not be displayed on the page.


Selecting sidebar widgets

widget data definition field

Select the widget you want to display in the sidebar.

→ Details: Widgets

Selecting any block type other than a widget will result in a warning displayed in the Cascade preview. In this case, the block content will not be included in the published page.

You can add as many widgets as you need to the sidebar.

→ Details: Proliferating Data Definition items

To be continued….

→ Next: Page heading

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