Aldrich: Announcement widget

Aldrich: Announcement widget

announcement widget

The Announcement widget consists of a heading, snippet, and call to action link, all of which are optional.

How this works

Presentation options

The Presentation Data Definition group is collapsed by default. Expand the group to access the contained fields.

Include call to action

include call to action data definition field


What this means

What this triggers


What this means

What this triggers


A call to action link will be displayed in the widget.

Causes the Call to action button type, Call to action button color Data Definition fields, and Call to action Data Definition group to display.


A call to action will not be displayed.


Call to action button type and color

Only displayed if Include call to action is set to ‘Yes’.

These fields define the appearance of the call to action button.


Enter the heading text into the Text Data Definition field.


Enter the snippet content in the WYSIWYG field. If you don’t want a snippet, you can safely leave this blank.

Call to action

Only displayed if Include call to action is set to ‘Yes’.

The call to action is defined with the Text link pattern.

→ Details: Text link pattern


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