Cascade: Proliferating Data Definition items
Many Data Definitions contain groups of fields that can be proliferated / repeated / multiplied to suit your content needs. These items can be identified by the plus button in the group title bar or above the field itself.
For groups, this button is labeled for screen readers as Add new group. For fields, it is labeled as Add new field.
For example, a Data Definition may include a field group for defining a link. Need more than one link? Click the plus button and Cascade creates an additional link group for you below the current one.
When new groups are created, additional buttons will appear in the group title bar.
Reordering items
Use the up- and down-arrow buttons to reorder your groups.
These buttons are labeled for screen readers as Move up and Move down, respectively.
Deleting items
Use the X button to delete / remove an item.
This button is labeled for screen readers as Remove.