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PMC Decision Log

DateByDecisionBackground InformationRecorded By
10/10/2015PMCOIT Unified SDLC approved as basic framework for managing software development projects in OIT. For non-software development projects, the framework should be adapted as appropriate.


E. Puchalski
08/29/2014PMCAdopted a high-level progress project plan for the PMC for the 2014-2015 year. This plan will be modified over the course of the year and will be reviewed and readopted in its entirety in 08/2015.E. Puchalski

Adopted a set of OIT Project Life Cycle Approvals consisting of: Initiation, Implementation, and Go-Live. No project will be allowed to proceed to the next phase without receiving appropriate approvals.

E. Puchalski
04/24/2015PMCAgreed that project scores will be required for projects considered by the Project Review Team (currently the OIT divisional directors). Scores are expected to be modified as the project evolves. Scores are optional for projects not being reviewed by the PRT.E. Puchalski
06/25/2015PMCRevised the progress project plan for the 2015-2016 year.E. Puchalski

Add a free-form field to the Project maintenance form for Current Status to be used for logging the current status of a project for reporting purposes. Modify the choice list for the State field to include only Draft, Pending, Work in Process, Closed Complete, Closed Incomplete, Closed Withdrawn, and Hold.

E. Puchalski