- Project Approval Framework Workstream - OIT Project Life Cycle Approval Framework and PMC - ServiceNow Project Approval Workflow
- PMC Project Plan has tracking tasks
- ServiceNow Project Intake, Tracking, Approvals and Reporting
- Review latest status
- Discuss feedback from Marina/Carmen
- Status of reflecting all current OIT projects in SN via "UCI Project" records
- Tools and Resources Workstream
- Overview of the project estimation tool that is available for general use by PMs in OIT (Kian/Eric P)
- Need to decide where should be primary resting place for PM Framework documents and other PMC artifacts
- Consultative Project Support Workstream
- Status and discussion re: OIT Project Manager recruitmentÂ
- Any small/medium OIT projects that could use help/mentorship from a PMC member? (Kian)
- 2015-2016
- Nominations for a new PMC Chair and Co-Chair
- Discussion: PMC Goals and Objectives for 2015-2016
- Finalize the ServiceNow Project Intake/Approval/Reporting capabilities and roll out to all OIT divisions/teams
- Help ensure OIT Directors and their managers have useful dashboards/reports for high-level project tracking
- Propose OIT PMO Goals/Objectives/Structure as well as useful setup activities
- Something re: new OIT PM position - collaboration, support toward PMO planning/startup
- Collect, Refine and Communicate PM Tools, Resources and best practices
- Create a single Portfolio/Project Management/SDLC resource library in the Wiki
- Help ensure OIT Directors, their managers and staff know about it and utilize it
- Finalize the ServiceNow Project Intake/Approval/Reporting capabilities and roll out to all OIT divisions/teams
- Next Meeting
- Friday July 24 - 1:00pm MSTB 232
- ...