Aldrich: Site settings

Aldrich: Site settings

The site-settings asset (located at /_site/site-settings) contains information about your site as a whole. Configuring these settings is required for your site to function and display properly.

Changes made to the site settings can be made live by simply publishing the site-settings asset. No need to republish your entire site.

The site-settings asset must be published for pages to display correctly.

Defining your site name

Your site name is used in the header/footer wordmarks and to display page titles in the browser tab. Longer names can be split on to two lines, but only the first line is required.

In addition to the name of your site, you also choose how your site is branded (UCI vs. UCI Health). This selection also determines how your wordmark and page titles appear.

site name data definition fields

Adding analytics

The template supports the inclusion of Google Analytics directly or via Google Tag Manager. To add analytics, provide your Google Analytics UA property ID (beginning with “UA-”) or Tag Manager container ID (beginning with “GTM-”).

Analytics data definition fields

Google’s Universal Analytics service will be retired in 2023. Soon after that happens, the ability to use a UA property ID here will be removed. Usage of a Google Tag Manager container ID will be unaffected.

Adding custom site-wide CSS and JavaScript

You can reference custom CSS and JavaScript files site-wide in this portion of your site settings. These references are defined by the Custom CSS and Custom JavaScript patterns, respectively.

→ Details: Custom CSS pattern


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