UCI - UCOP VSFTP User Agreement

UCI - UCOP VSFTP User Agreement

If you need access to the UCI account on the UCOP VSFTP server, please complete the following and send to Mike Story.  If you have any questions or concerns please let us know, thanks.

1. Please state the reason you need access to this account, what type of data is required to be sent and/or received.

2. Do you send or receive any IS-3 Restricted Data (SSN, Driver License, Credit Card, Bank Account, Protected Health Information, etc) using this account, if so what type of data?

3. Please read the following UCI / UCOP VSFTP User Agreement and type your name and date at the end.  The email reply to will constitute a "signature" and be kept in our records.

UCI / UCOP VSFTP User Agreement

By being granted the User ID and Password to the UCI / UCOP VSFTP server I have read, understood, and agree to comply with the following policies:

  • I will adhere to University of California IS-3 Electronic Information Security Policy (III.C.2.b.i) http://www.ucop.edu/ucophome/policies/bfb/is3.pdf
  • I will adhere to UC Irvine Administrative Policies and Procedures, Sec. 714-18: Computer and Network Use Policy http://www.policies.uci.edu/adm/pols/714-18.html
  • I will not store or transmit the password electronically unencrypted and/or otherwise with weak access controls
  • I will not store the password physically in unlocked or insecure locations
  • I will not share the password with anyone, instead directing people who do need the password to contact the UCI local campus File Transfer Contact, Mike Story (mastory@uci.edu) http://www.ucop.edu/irc/campus_specs/ftp/ftpcontacts.html
  • If I send or receive any IS-3 Restricted Data (SSN, Driver License, Credit Card, Bank Account, Protected Health Information, etc) using this account I have notified the UCI local campus File Transfer Contact (above) that I am using the account for that type of activity
  • I have notified my department's IS-3 Electronic Security Coordinator http://www.nacs.uci.edu/security/is3/index.html that I am using the UCI / UCOP VSFTP server and also indicate to them if IS-3 Restricted data is being used.
  • If I no longer need access to the UCI / UCOP VSFTP server, and/or if I separate from the University I will notify the UCI local campus File Transfer Contact (above)
  • I acknowledge for security reasons, the password will be changed by the UCI local campus File Transfer Contact regularly, at least annually, so it is important to keep my contact information current with them
