Public Laptops Dell XPS 9315

Public Laptops Dell XPS 9315

Important information about the functionality of the laptop

  • When you log into the device, a temporary profile is created based on your UCInetID

  • At logoff, your temporary profile will be deleted

NOTE: To prevent loss of data, save your work before logging out of the device

 Logging Into the Laptop with your UCInetID and Office 365 Password

  1. At login screen:

    1. For Email Address: UCInetID@ad.uci.edu

      1. ex: anteater@ad.uci.edu

    2. Password: Your Office 365 Password

  2. If you log on as guest and the screen locks, leave the password blank to unlock

  3. Go to Office 365 at UCI page to learn more about Office 365. Go here to Create your Microsoft account and click to Activate your Office 365 account.

NOTE: The benefit of logging in with your personal account is that you have access to your 0ffice 365 license and files, including OneDrive

Connecting to Apporto

NOTE: Apporto is a virtual computer lab service that allows you to run specialized instructional and classroom software in a web browser.

  1. Connect to https://uci.apporto.com/ through a web browser

  2. Click on the Logon button to sign in using your University of California, Irvine account

  3. Launch the UCI Lab Desktop 2023 application

Connecting to the Campus VPN

  1. The VPN Icon is located in the System Tray:

  2. Please enter, vpn.uci.edu and click connect

  3. A popup will appear where you will enter your UCInetID and password. Do not enter your credentials yet. You must first change your connection group. (NOTE this window may be hidden slightly behind the login window)

    1. UCIFULL-classic – Route all traffic through the UCI VPN.
      IMPORTANT: Use UCIFULL-classic when accessing Library resources.

    2. UCI-classic – Route only campus traffic through the UCI VPN. All other traffic goes through your normal Internet provider.

  4. Back in the login window, enter your UCInetID and password. Below the password box, type the word 'push' (without the quotes) and then select OK. You will receive a push from Duo and will be able to login.

  5. A banner window will appear. Click Accept to close that window. You are now connected!

Morphic Software

Morphic is a free, open-source software tool that provides quick access to the accessibility and usability tools already built into Windows computers.

For more information about the Morphic, please visit: Research Guides: Morphic: Morphic at UCI

NOTE: To reset the default Windows display settings, simply log out of the device and back into Windows. Be sure to save your work before logging out

 Related articles

https://www.lib.uci.edu/equipment/laptops Other available equipment in the Library

https://www.oit.uci.edu/services/teaching-learning/labs/apporto/ Apporto Virtual Computer Lab “How To” answers
