This is a more thorough introduction to lists. A list, specifically, is just a display of records and their related fields, derived from a database. A perfect example of a list displayed in the content frame is a list of open incidents:
You can see from this example, that a list is made up of multiple columns and rows. Each column represents a field, or an attribute, or the related record. Each row is a singular record that has a unique identifier, like the Incident number in the most left hand column. The specific fields and functions of an Incident list are detailed in a guide specifically on Incidents, but there are some general functions of lists that remain true no matter what specific kind of list you are working with.
One of the capabilities of lists is to sort in ascending or descending order based on the values of a specific field.
Left click on a column header to sort the records in ascending order (low to high) based on that column. We have left clicked on the Number field to sort based on Incident Number.
Left click on the same column header again to sort the records in descending order (high to low).
In order to tell the way a list is sorted, look for the column header that is highlighted blue. If the arrow next to it is pointing up, the records are sorted in ascending order based on that column, and if the arrow is pointing down, then the records are sorted in descending order based on that column.
In order to get rid of a sort, you can either reload the page, or left click on a different column header to sort based on the values of that field.
Paging is the equivalent of navigation in a list. The controls for paging are either located in the upper right hand corner of the list or the lower right hand corner.
There are a few different ways to navigate through pages. Using the controls in the upper right hand corner of the page, navigate one page forward by left clicking on the single right arrow.
After navigating forwards by exactly the number or records that fit on one page (in this case it was 1000 incident records), hit the single left arrow (back arrow) to navigate one page backwards to where you began.
Use the double right arrow to navigate to the last record page.
Use the double left arrow to navigate to the first record page.
The last way to navigate is to use the numerical box to the right of the single left arrow to jump directly to a specific record number.