DWH Team Status Report for 11/02/2012
DWH KFS Decision Support JIRA Tasks
Prior Two Week Activity
- Kuali Financial System
- Complete - Development of Cognos Framework for general ledger detail and balances
- Complete - Development of general ledger balances data models
- Complete - Scripts to load staging tables KRNS, GL, KR and CA tables
- On Hold - Development of jobs to load organization dimension - We encountered some problems with the organization table in KFS with missing hierarchies
- In Progress - Cognos load testing for capacity planning
- In progress - Specs for organization web service. This web service will flatten the KFS hierarchy, allowing ease of use for shadow and feeder system conversion.
- In progress - Specs for web service to retrieve all accounts by Org and all Org children. This will aide applications using KSR and KFS hierarchy for authorization.
- In progress - Specs for capital asset module reports
- In progress - ETL specs for GL Balances, currently working with Accounting to validate logic for calculating balances
- In progress - Scripts to add KFS attributes to legacy data warehouse (employee, payroll). Currently analyzing how many accounts are missing after each account conversion load by the KFS team.
- In progress - Scripts to add KFS attributes to the Internal Directory (people database) for Administrative LDAP
- In progress - Scripts to load general ledger entries fact and document details dimension
- In progress - ETL scripts for AR, AP, KREW tables
- Payroll Certification
- Still waiting on Accounting to complete functional testing of mandated changes of NIH (DHHS) salary cap calculation.
- Data Warehouse Support
- DWH is operating well as usual, Grace is acting as primary DWH production support
- Non-DWH Support
- Grace continues to help with PPS support, range adjustments
- Kuali Financial System
- Next two week planned activities and deliverables
- Finalize Cognos licensing needs
- ETL development for GL Balance fact table
- Capital Asset (CAM) data model
- Requirements finalization for Accounts Payable and PURAP modules
- Production support trends in terms of tickets either in JIRA or Footprints.
- DWH Production Support 10%, New development 90% (except Grace)
- Staffing issues or personnel related matters
- None at this time
- Budget requests for any new software or hardware
- Cognos licensing - we will have results from testing this week
- Training requests
- None at this time
- Things learned, suggestions for improvements or anything else you think might be important
- None at this time