10/20 - 11/2
- Completed the last bridge table of the Award model. The jira https://jira.oit.uci.edu/browse/KFSDW-1671 is ready for test.
- Worked with appropriate team members and discussed solution to solve the problem with the LD_LDGR_ENTR_T missing records in the KFS7 due to entry_ID not being generated in sequence from the application side. We're waiting for the application developer (Jarrod) to fix his logic then we'll reload it.
- For the KFS upgrade activities, attended discussion meetings to gather requirements to load the fact table kfs_f_ledger_t in the KFS7 environment. Created a new JIRA to start working on it: https://jira.oit.uci.edu/browse/KFSDW-1728.
- To replicate all ETL objects relating to award model in the KFS7, I've created jiras to work on this task. They're below:
Completed the draft version of Achieve. Plan to complete the final version then submit it ASAP.
Attended 1-on-1 weekly status meeting
Weekly KFS Decision Support Technical Status
Attended KFS Upgrade for Decision Support meeting
Next plan:
On-going ETL development to maintain and upgrade KFS DW
On-going KFS upgrade related activities
Informatica admin related activities
10/6 - 10/19
Completed, closed https://jira.oit.uci.edu/browse/KFSDW-1713
Attended meeting to discuss with Pramod and Kevin to clarify detail requirements for the dss_kfs.KFS_CG_ORG_GRPMBR table.
Attended 1-on-1 weekly status meeting
Weekly KFS Decision Support Technical Status
Attended KFS Upgrade for Decision Support meeting
Next plan:
Continue etl for the last requirement in the KFS_CG_ORG_GRPMBR task as soon as the detail information is available.
KFS upgrade related activities
Informatica admin related activities
9/22 - 10/5
Completed all items from peer review 9/17 for the following jiras:
Completed https://jira.oit.uci.edu/browse/KFSDW-1646
Completed CHG0032947
KFS upgrade related activities: Completed the following jiras to copy objects to the tst_dev kfs fodler:
https://jira.oit.uci.edu/browse/KFSDW-1713: Completed the dss_kfs7.ods_kbm.StaffingbyAcctorOrg_T_New.
Attended 1-on-1 weekly status meeting
Attended KFS Upgrade for Decision Support meeting
Next plan:
Continue etl for the last requirement in the KFS_CG_ORG_GRPMBR task as soon as Kevin clarifies.
KFS upgrade related activities
Informatica admin related activities
9/8 - 9/21
https://jira.oit.uci.edu/projects/KFSDW/issues/KFSDW-1167: Completed, Closed
https://jira.oit.uci.edu/browse/KFSDW-1656: Ready For Test.
https://jira.oit.uci.edu/browse/KFSDW-1669: Completed applying code review. It’s Ready For Test
https://jira.oit.uci.edu/browse/KFSDW-1670: Completed applying code review. It’s Ready For Test
https://jira.oit.uci.edu/browse/KFSDW-1671: Received confirmation from the last requirement from Pramod and Kevin. Started working on this.
Held debugging session with Saurav on the last requirement for the ETL of the KFS_CG_ORG_GRPMBR
Attended 1-on-1 weekly status meeting
Attended KFS Upgrade for Decision Support meeting
Attended Weekly KFS Decision Support Meeting
Next plan:
Continue with the Award task
KFS upgrade related activities
Informatica admin related activities
8/25 - 9/7 (campus closed on Labor Day on the 4th)
Completed ETL. It's now ready for test.
Fixed CGAWD_ENTRY_DT. This data is now available.
Fixed ETL for ucinetids. This data is now available. Regarding the multiple project director ucinetids, Kevin said that he'll get back to me on my questions to confirm on requirements for getting this data.
Completed ETL. It’s now ready for test
Worked with Kevin from the Accounting on multiple project director ucinetids issues found in the ward task.
Worked with Eufemia from the Cognos team to finalize additional requirement for KBM.
Attended Weekly KFS Decision Support Meeting
Next plan:
Continue with the Award task
KFS upgrade related activities
Informatica admin related activities
8/11 - 8/24
Met with Kevin to gather detail information/logic on the remaining requirement: To create CG_ORG_GRP_KEY and CG_ORG_GRP_SID: Concat string using criteria of FIN_COA_CD,ORG_CD,CGPRPSL_NBR, CGAWD_PRM_ORG_IND from the CG_AWD_ORG_T table in the CG_ORG_GRP table. Then in the KFS_D_CG_AWD table, create the key using the same criteria to create a key, then use this key to look up in the CG_ORG_GRP table to get the value of the CG_ORG_GRP_SID (integer).
Completed adding null handling for KFS_D_CG_AGNCY, 100+ columns in the KFS_D_CG_AWD table.
Completed KFS_CG_ORG_GRP, KFS_D_CGAWD_BDGTPER. They’re ready for test.
Informatica admin task:
Completed, closed tickets below:
Meeting with Kevin from Accounting on remaining requirements of the Award task
Attended Weekly KFS Decision Support Meeting
Attended Weekly KFS Decision Support Technical Status
Next plan:
Continue with the Award task
KFS upgrade related activities
Informatica admin related activities
7/28 - 8/10
Completed adding etl rule to handle nulls to most columns in the award dim table. Kevin said he'll notify me which ones he wants to handle nulls. I'll need to revisit it when he has details. This task is 90% complete. I’m waiting for the remaining requirement that have the source tables, fields as dummy such as PRMRY_ADDR_ST_NM, ALTRNT_ADDR_ST_NM.
Per Durendal’s request, I attended his meeting that he scheduled us to debug, solve problem with his mapping.
Supported INC0182648.
Attended Weekly KFS Decision Support Meeting
Attended Weekly KFS Decision Support Technical Status
Next plan:
Continue with the Award task
KFS upgrade related activities
Informatica admin related activities
7/14 - 7/27
KFS_D_CG_AWD: kfsdw-1656
Completed coding, unit test for multiple directors group. Unit test passed.
Completed coding, unit test for CG_ORG_GRP_SID. Unit test failed due to incorrect type as bigint for strings in the table and requirement. Waiting to get fixed in order to re unit test to complete this jira.
KFS_D_CG_AGNCY: kfsdw-1669
Completed coding, unit test most of the columns. Test passed. There are two columns that need requirement (currently source tables, fields are "dummy"). Waiting for their requirements in order to complete. I emailed to appropriate team members to address this missing requirement.
I was told that our completed bridge tables for other projects, they don't have insert, update transformations, insert and update dates. I noticed that these bridge tables that were created, have all these dates. Please confirm if they need them or need to be removed from the table.
Attended 1-on-1 weekly status meeting
Attended KFS Upgrade for Decision Support meeting
Attended Weekly KFS Decision Support Meeting
Attended Weekly KFS Decision Support Technical Status
Next plan:
Continue with the Award task
KFS upgrade related activities
Informatica admin related activities
7/3 - 7/13
Worked with Kevin, Pramod to clarify requirements below:
Order rows 132 for CG_ORG_GRP_SID using source field FIN_COA_CD, ORG_CD:
Select all rows from CG_AWD_ORG_T where CGPRPSL_NBR = CG_AWD_T.CGPRPSL_NBR Order by CGAWD_PRIM_ORG_IND descending, FIN_COA_CD ascending, ORG_CD ascending.
This should put the primary ORG first in the list. String together all of the FIN_COA_CD and ORG CD pairs or each returned row into a single string with each pair separated by a "~".
For example UC1632~UC1700~UC9000. Use the resulting value to look for a row in KFS_CG_ORG_GRP where the string value = CG_ORG_GRP_KEY. If a row is found, set the target column = KFS_CG_ORG_GRP.CG_ORG_GRP_SID.
If no row is found, create the new row in KFS_CG_ORG_GRP and use the sid of the new row in the target column. Please review the mapping instructions for KFS_CG_ORG_GRP and KFS_CG_ORG_GRPMBR when creating a new row.
Order rows order row 113 - 128:
Select PERSON_UNVL_ID from CG_AWD_PRJDIR_T where CGPRPSL_NBR = CG_AWD_T.CGPRPSL_NBR and CGAWD_PRMPRJDIR_IND = N and ROW_ACTIV_IND = Y. Order by PERSON_UNVL_ID. There may be 0 or many. Use the first 4 rows selected to fill in PRJDIR2, PRJDIR3, PRJDIR4, PRJDIR5 columns.
Completed additional columns for the KFS_D_CG_AWD table including the PRJDIR1_UNVL_ID, PRJDIR1_NM, PRJDIR1_TTL, PRJDIR1_PRMY_IND columns. Total 109 columns out of 132. 23 columns left to be completed. These require denormalize and possible Java transfomration. This session has been scheduled to run nightly on dev without issue. While completing the last part of this table, I already started ETL for the KFS_D_CG_AGNCY.
Attended 1-on-1 weekly status meeting
Attended KFS upgrade and Award dimension meeting
Attended KFS Upgrade for Decision Support meeting
Attended Weekly KFS Decision Support Meeting
Attended Weekly KFS Decision Support Technical Status
Attended KFS knowledge Transfer Document conducted by Pramod
Next plan:
Continue with the Award task
KFS upgrade related activities
Informatica admin related activities
6/16 - 6/30
Worked with Janine, Kevin to clarify requirements for OTHER_ATTR_NM,PMT_MTHD_DESC,PRJDIR_CNT_NBR.
Started mapping the Award dimension table. Completed 98 columns out of 132.
Attended 1-on-1 weekly status meeting
Attended KFS upgrade and Award dimension meeting
Attended Award dimension – specs meeting
Attended KFS Upgrade for Decision Support meeting
Attended Weekly KFS Decision Support Meeting
Attended Weekly KFS Decision Support Technical Status
Next plan:
Continue with the Award dimension table
KFS upgrade related activities
Informatica admin related activities
6/12 - 6/15
On my first day back from vacation, I was asked to fix daily_oltp failure on dev. Completed. It has been running nightly without any issue.
Worked with the DBA team to complete INC0171185
Attended 1-on-1 weekly status meeting
Attended KFS upgrade and Award dimension meeting
Next plan:
Work on recently assigned task for the award etl https://jira.oit.uci.edu/browse/KFSDW-1656
KFS upgrade related activities
Informatica admin related activities
5/19 - 6/1
- Completed kfsdw-1646. The staging LD_LDGR_ENTR_T table has been loading incrementally nightly on dev as expected without any issue with data. Per Austin, we don’t need to make any changes to ods because it loads from staging. Per Austin’s plan to deploy, this task will be migrated some time later after the first week of June.
- Completed kfsdw-1638. Both tables LD_LDGR_ENTR_PI_T, LD_LDGR_BAL_PI_T have been loading incrementally nightly on dev as expected without any isuue with data.
- Completed validating all dependencies of the LD_LDGR_ENTR_T without any error:
Session: s_m_KBM_LD_LDGR_ENTR_T, s_m_LOAD_LD_L
Worklet: wklt_LD
I checked in all the above.
- Kfsdw-1496: This jira has been waiting for Kevin to test.
Informatica admin related activities:
Resolved INC0167165, INC0167478
My vacation is 6/2-9. I’ll be back to work on 6/12th.
Next plan:
Deploy kfsdw-1646, 1638
Merge changes of the kfsdw-1496 as soon as Kevin approves to the main folder then deploy.
KFS upgrade related activities
Informatica admin related activities
4/5 - 5/18
Completed KFSDW-1645
Completed KFSDW-1404
Completed KFSDW-1638. Added 2 new sessions into the Daily_OLTP workflow. This jira is now ready for deploy.
Attended weekly DSS meeting where I was told that there will be add on changes to KBM task coming soon.
Informatica admin related activities:
Worked with DBA to add write access to kfscnv7 database per INC0163772
Helped and solved problem for Lam T, Jan K., Jarrod L. with their problems in Informatica per their requests.
Next plan:
Integrate KFSDW-1646 into daily_GL_Staging
Update all related mappings so they match and have all the data elements of kfsprd.ld_ldgr_entr_t in KFS
KFS upgrade related activities
Informatica admin related activities
4/21 - 5/4
- Had meeting with Jarrod to gather requirements for the ledger and balance from kfsstage for the PI task, https://jira.oit.uci.edu/browse/KFSDW-1638.
- Coordinated with Austin to replace dwhreader account with ppsoper so that ledger, balance data for PI can be loaded to dwhs_ppscurr database.
- Completed setting up a new ODBC on PC for Informatica client to connect to dwhs_ppscurr.
- Created new mappings, sessions for this task. Completed ETL development for loading them to sqlserver in the dwhs_ppscurr.
- Helped Alvin per his request to verify ledger PI data coming from his java app. We confirmed that data is correct as expected.
- Completed configuring a control timer (to wait for ledger completes loading in oracle kfsstg database) in Daily_OLTP to schedule to load ledger PI data nightly starting tonight.
- Attended weekly DSS meeting where I reminded that I'm waiting for Kevin to finish testing
Today I was told that he's not ready for it yet.
in order to migrate it to production. - Attended weekly one-1-one status meeting.
Next plan
- ETL: Continue with balance PI for
- Informatica Admin related activities
4/7 - 4/20
- The updated kbm ledger entry table was migrated to production and has been running nightly without issue. Closed jiras kdfsdw-1617, 1634.
- Completed reconfiguring missing components on the new PC that my development environment requires as soon as desktop replaced my old pc with the new one.
- Month-end outbound jobs ran fine, emailed success emails. I verified data which looks good as expected.
- Attended weekly DSS meeting where I mentioned to Pramod that I’m available to help with KFS ETL jiras.
- Attended weekly one-1-one status meeting
- Completed and sent a list of accomplishment for PE to Austin.
Next plan
- KFSDW-1496 (Modify Balance ETL for all ITD balances to remove SFG 2xxxxx).
- KFS related activities, KFS upgrade.
3/24- 4/6
- dwhm_ods_UC_ACCOUNT_T on dev
Created a new session s_m_dwhm_ods_UC_ACCOUNT_T to load uc_account_t table from oracle (kfsday2) to dwhm_ods.
Added $s_m_dwhm_ods_UC_ACCOUNT_T.Status = Succeeded to the Daily_OLTP wk.
The dwhm_ods_UC_ACCOUNT_T is now up to date and scheduled to run daily.
- Completed development of the new requirement for the following jiras:
I worked with Cognos developers to help clarify new data for these new requirements as they needed.
- Month-end Outbound jobs
They are running, ready to receive triggers as soon as they arrive to load monthly data. Worked with Jarrod on these. He confirmed that that the benefit load won’t affect these jobs.
- Meetings:
Attended weekly status meeting.
Attended weekly DSS meeting.
Attended meeting to discuss designing the KFS nightly load times for the historical benefit load.
Next plan
KFS ETL related activities
UATs: Continue with UAT related activities
3/10 - 3/23
- KFSDW-1496 (Modify Balance ETL for all ITD balances to remove SFG 2xxxxx). Completed coding, unit test. The status of this JIRA is ready for test.
- KFSDW-1625 Worked with DBA team to restore the source sms feed table from kfsprd for month-end in Feb. Verified that there was no missing data for the month-end. No need to reload records. Resolved, closed this JIRA.
- KFSDW-1628 Added email notifications to all outbound sessions both on dev, production.
- KFSDW-1617 (Create an Actuals Column for the Labor Ledger with Negatives/Positives): Had a meeting with Kevin for requirements for this task. Completed coding and unit testing. Status is now ready for test.
After reporting to Analytix their missing mapping for KFSDW 1458,1459. They recreated them. During our UATS, we discovered that they provided wrong test scripts for PREQ tables instead of the REQ table. They said that they're correcting them.
Next plan
ETL Work on KFSDW-1496, KFSDW-1617
UATs: Continue with UAT related activities
2/25 - 3/9
- Completed putting in changes for https://jira.oit.uci.edu/browse/KFSDW-1604. It's now ready for test by users.
- Today Pramod confirmed that the changes I put in in the mapping in my personal folder look good. I'm going ahead to continue to migrate the changes to the real table in the balance fact table for users to test.
- Completed 4 days intensive training in Informatica ETL level 1 & 2.
- Because the Informatica server was restarted on (March 4) during the jobs currently ran and before the triggers arrive (March 7, 10) to run these jobs to load, the Informatica scheduler updated to April; Therefore these jobs were scheduled to run in April, didn't run when the triggers arrived in March. I was told that there's no other way for the Informatica scheduler to reset to current month schedule after it was restarted. The solution: I manually restart the jobs. Results: all data for this month-end is available.
Missing mappings in
, . Today's status meeting with Analytix, they said that they'll provide the mappings then we can test.Next plan
ETL Work on KFSDW-1628, KFSDW-1604, KFSDW-1604, KFSDW-1617
UATs: Continue with UAT related activities
2/10 - 2/23
: Per Valerie’s suggestion, I sent details, changes I made to the balance fact ETL to Pramod for his confirmation. I’m waiting for his confirmation.
After my investigation of the job that failed loading data to nebula dwhs_ods from gl entry table plus several ledger amounts from the ledger fact table below:
I followed up with Jarrod on this which he requested it. He confirmed that it’s no longer needed. I unscheduled this job, asked him (has access as a jira reporter) to close no change this jira.
KFSDW-1456, 1457 competed. They are ready for deploy
Next plan
KFS related upgrade activities
Continue with UATs related activities
1/17 - 2/9
- Per email request from the Cognos developers, I provided code, information on differences for the tables: stage_kfs.LD_LDGR_ENTR_T, dss.ods_kbm.LD_LDGR_ENTR_T, dss.ods_kbm.LD_LDGR_ENTR_V02_T.
- https://jira.oit.uci.edu/projects/KFSDW/issues/KFSDW-1496:
I’ve completed coding for both scenarios. - First scenario: using the sql overwrite. During testing, the sql overwrite shows expected results: zeros out the amounts of the columns GL_ITD_ACTUALS_PROJ_ACCTS, GL_ITD_AVAIL_BAL_PROJ_ACCTS, GL_ITD_BUDGET_PROJ_ACCTS, GL_FUND_BAL_ITD. Other amounts in the balance fact table remain the same as expected.
- Second scenario that Austin prefers: using the informatica mapping. during testing, the informatica mapping shows incorrect results. It doesn’t zero out the amounts of the columns GL_ITD_ACTUALS_PROJ_ACCTS, GL_ITD_AVAIL_BAL_PROJ_ACCTS, GL_ITD_BUDGET_PROJ_ACCTS, GL_FUND_BAL_ITD.
I was able to solve the issue by changing the columns in the joiner in the mapping, m_J_Fact_KF_F_GL_BALANCE5
From: chart_cd, sub_account_costshr_account_nbr, sub_account_costshr_subaccount_nbr
To: chart_cd, account_nbr, sub_account_nbr
It works now: zeros out amounts for the columns (GL_ITD_AVAIL_BAL_PROJ_ACCTS, GL_ITD_ACTUALS_PROJ_ACCTS, GL_ITD_BUDGET_PROJ_ACCTS, GL_FUND_BAL_ITD). The other amounts remain the same as expected. For verifying amounts purpose, I created queries to sum all the amount columns for each table (dss_kfs.dss_kfs.KFS_F_GL_BALANCE_JIRA1496, dss_kfs.dss_kfs.KFS_F_GL_BALANCE), then compared them. The columns affected by the changes show expected values. They show the amounts either equal or less as expected.
Per Valerie’s suggestion, I send details to Pramod to confirm the changes. He said that he’s going to look at it.
- Month-end: This is the first month-end that these mappings ran from the informatica production server. Most ran successfully. Couple failed. Details below:
- SBS aging: Both sessions s_m_Load_agingreportdet, session s_m_Load_agingreportcon failed loading because the path was incorrect in the source. After correcting them
From: $PMSourceFileDir\dat\sbs To: $PMSourceFileDir\UCI_DW_KFS_ODS\sbs, they reran successfully.
- Outbound CFAST: failed due to incorrect DB connection: I fixed the issue by correcting it from dss_kfs to dss in the $PMRootDir\BWParam\OnDemand_Outbound.txt file.
UATs: Reported problem to Analytix. Waiting for them to fix jiras below:
Next plan
Continue with https://jira.oit.uci.edu/projects/KFSDW/issues/KFSDW-1496
Work on KFS upgrade related activities
Continue with UATs
1/13 - 1/26
Completed user's request from incident: INC0139850 Create indexes for the tables under dwhs_ods for NEBULA and NOVA.
Completed user's request from INC0141372 Processed month-end, quarterly outbound task.
The outbound, SBS aging tasks were migrating to the production Informatica server for the following workflows:
Workflow: Monthly_ODS_Outbound_SmsGlFeed
Workflow: Monthly_ODS_Outbound_Cfsbal.
Workflow: Monthly_ODS_Outbound_Cafp.
Workflow: FiveTimesPerYear_ODS_Outbound_Stf100.
Workflow: FiveTimesPerYear_ODS_Outbound_Stf200.
Workflow: SixTimesPerYear_ODS_Outbound_Bud100.
Workflow: Yearly_ODS_Outbound_Cfast
Workflow: Yearly_ODS_Outbound_Efa100
Workflow: Yearly_ODS_Outbound_Efa200
The outbound paths for the trigger on the production server is as the same as on dev server (D:\OIT\infa_shared\TriggerFiles)
Updated appropriate paths for the trigger files on the server for the the workflow wf_load_SBS_aging_data
D:\OIT\infa_shared\SrcFiles\UCI_DW_KFS_ODS\sbs\ agingreportdet.dat
Updated schedule on dev to run on demand for the all the workflows that were migrated to production.
Done verifying Jarrod’s app sending triggers on the production informatica server.
Closed the following jiras:
Test failed, reported to Analytix to fix the following jiras:
https://jira.oit.uci.edu/browse/KFSDW-1417 (KFS_F_CRDT_MEMO_ITM)
https://jira.oit.uci.edu/browse/KFSDW-1418 (KFS_F_CRDT_MEMO_ITM_ACCTNG)
Next plan
Work on KFS related activities.
Continue with this activity.
1/3 - 1/12
Completed, verified SBS, Outbound month-end.
Completed https://jira.oit.uci.edu/projects/KFSDW/issues/KFSDW-1496 (Modify Balance ETL for all ITD balances to remove SFG 2xxxxx). Unit test is in progress.
Following jiras are completed, ready for deploy:
My UCI extension Data Modeling course has began this week.
Next plan
Complete testing to be ready for deploy https://jira.oit.uci.edu/projects/KFSDW/issues/KFSDW-1496 (Modify Balance ETL for all ITD balances to remove SFG 2xxxxx).
As soon as migration completes on the production informatica server and to prepare for the next month-end, I need to work with Jarrod to verify, test the following jiras to ensure that his aps send triggers to the appropriate locations:
Continue with this activities.